Cindy Kaye



1 year, 9 months ago


Cindy Kaye

Mother of Serenity Sharpe

Lawyer/Councillor of Willow Park

Cindy is a Mystria, and her method of information gathering is looking through files. Her Mystria abilities will give her the information that is hidden between the lines, being lied about, and what is being ommitted. This makes her work easy as she's able to get investigations rolling pretty quickly. Of course, she can't just call investigations on anyone. She's known for a while what Joseff did to his daughter, but he's the head of police, so she knew she'd never be able to get an investigation on him approved.

Serenity's father was a stranger, practically. Cindy spent that week with a few different guys, and she's never cared to find out which one was Serenity's father. She opted for the single mother life. She likes to think she did pretty well. When Serenity was 13, Cindy offered for her to pick her own last name. It's what Cindy had done the moment she turned 18, and she wanted Serenity to have the chance to have an identity completely her own, and Serenity accepted, going with the last name Sharpe.

Cindy was always a present mother in Serenity's life, and is immensely proud of what Serenity has been able to accomplish and who she has become. Cindy has loved Serenity since she was born. Her pride isn't based in Serenity's achievments, Cindy would love her no matter what.

Name Cindy Kaye

Gender Woman | She/Her

Species Jaguar | Mystria