Freydis Drunk-Tamer



1 year, 9 months ago


  • Name Freydis Drunk-Tamer
  • Pronouns she/they
  • Class cleric
  • Subclass order domain
  • Race human-drow
  • Other names Sigrid Night-Light
  • Hair color ginger brown
  • Eye color grey-blue
  • Height (cm) 178
  • Pinterest
  • Character sheet
  • Freydis
  • 40
  • Cleric of Freyr

Hail to you Freyr
god of golden wheat
sweet new fruits
and love hard won

Freydis was born as Sigrid to parents who did not raise her. Unbeknownst to them, they are the offspring of an Elven man and a human woman. They’ve not been raised by their parents but by their entire village, spending one night here and another there. Until age 14 they led a transient lifestyle. Then, they got taken in by a traveling smith as an apprentice and assistant. This work did not suit them and at age 22 they took a few odd jobs as a mercenary.

Then known as Sigrid, they were given the moniker Night-Light. This was due to their affinity to staying up late in taverns chugging down mead and wrestling local drunks until morning sun popped up from the horizon. They were often regarded as the light of the party.

It all changed when they met their partner Gisli and became pregnant at age 27. Gisli and Sigrid were very much in love, so much so that when Sigrid continued her partying lifestyle after their pregnancies, Gisli was ready to overlook this for years.

One day, Gisli had enough. He took their then 11 and 10 year old kids and left Sigrid to their own devices. While not violent, Sigrid would stumble and embarrass their family in front of others and cause significant trouble with their endless tavern crawls and brawls. Gisli saw this as a threat to the development of their children and made the choice to leave. This drove Sigrid to longer drunken periods and pushed them deeper into depression and alcoholism. They did not disagree with Gisli nor did they ever try to contact the kids again. Perhaps this was for the better.

Ten whole months into this life without a partner or their kids, their fate would be altered significantly by divine forces. An early spring morning Sigrid struggled against drunken stupor on the stairs leading up to the village where they were then staying. An inexplicable phenomenon sobered them up, and even more inexplicable was their sudden need to enter an open temple and pray to Freyr. To this day, Freydis does not know how to explain this event or how to even begin to describe it.

At that moment by the shrine they were given their new name, Freydis. Their new purpose in life was to stay sober and bring about Freyr’s will in the world. Ever since that day a year ago, they have not touched a drop of alcohol, and they’ve studied and trained tirelessly to remain worthy of Freyr’s favour.

This has been a good time for self-reflection and -discovery. Their best method of keeping themself in check was to help keep others in check. Freyr had clearly seen their natural authority, and helped them find it from within themself to help other people. Now, instead of instigating fights, they would be the one to quell them. Instead of loitering aimlessly around they would be asked to bless people’s crops and pray for good harvest.

Quickly they earned a new moniker: Drunk-Tamer. While they would not introduce herself as such, and rather would use the middle name Freyrsdottir, they don’t mind being called Drunk-Tamer either. It wasn’t wrong, after all…

They have for the longest time known they are a half-elf. Who is their father, then? What was the relationship between their parents like? What happened to their mother, and why were they abandoned? Would their loyalty to Freyr lead them to find out more about their lineage? Was it meaningful to them, to Freyr, or to the fate of the entire humankind?

Freydis' family consists of children Helga (12) and Gro (13), and their parent Gisli (38). Their loyalties lie on the Freyr clergy, their adventuring party, the goddess Hela, and their lover Hallvor and his village.


  • charismatic
  • natural leader
  • stern
  • serious
  • vigilant
  • passive
  • stubborn
  • modest


  • Sinewy muscular build
  • Dark magical frostburn “bruise” from her cheek down her neck on the left side
  • Blue-grey eyes, the kind of eyes that don’t have a distinct colour
  • Hair colour ginger-ish ash brown. The sides of her head have been shaven
  • Hair has been singed to be shorter by fire
  • Her binding rune has been tattooed on the left side of her head
  • Her skin is of greyish red pigment and during sunny seasons she has freckles over her nose, cheeks, and shoulders
  • The rune ALGIZ ᛉ is branded on her palm
code by HUKIOLUKIO art by AMB