Blackjack the Shark



1 year, 9 months ago


Blackjack the Shark

Name Blackjack

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Sexuality Pansexual

Age 27

Species Shark

Occupation CEO

Voice Claim Zeno Robinson

HTML Pinky


Formerly the right hand man to Clutch's underground criminal organization, Blackjack currently owns and operates Ocean Palace Casino in Seaside City. While on the surface, it seems he has left the life of crime years ago and seems to actively make the community a better place, behind closed doors he still partakes in shady dealings.

He keeps close tabs on individuals who drive up at a debt at his casino, and he doesn't take kindly to those who cannot pay him back. Those who are in the red for too long may find that Blackjack's patience has run dry and he'll remove your tab one way or another.

He’s thought of highly among members of organized crime and general riff raff for being someone you can rely on.


Height 4'5" (135cm)

Weight 133 lbs (60 kg)

Eyes Pink

Skin Colour Dark purple with light purple markings

Demeanor Laidback


  • He has sharp teeth! When his mouth is open, only the top row of teeth shows.
  • He has several scars, so please take note of them when drawing. His left hand has a very large scar that can be seen on both sides of his hands. He was stabbed through his hand.
  • Very expressive! Have fun his expressions!
  • He’s very tall compared to most Sonic characters. I ask that you keep that in mind when drawing him around others.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

He’s easygoing and comes off as very friendly to those around him. He’s known for being a good boss. The community thinks quite positively of him, as he often gives back to it. He was a big help in aiding costs of the rebuilding efforts after the war. However, rumors have been flying for years that he’s very scary if you cross him and there are some out there who swear he is not to be trusted.

He's confident, fliratious, and fun-loving, but he's always thinking things through and knows when to be serious. He can find ways to get along with anyone and is rarely unnerved or intimidated by others. He dislikes outright lying, preferring to simply find a different way to word things if he can't be outright truthful. He can be deceptive and manipulative, though never with the few indidviduals he enjoys having in his life.

Blackjack is not one easy to anger, though the quickest way to anger him is to hurt those he cares for or to cheat him out of money. His anger is sadistic and chilling, with him wearing a smile while he speaks threats that are full of intent. To those who face the full fury of his wrath, they may find themselves not living to see the next day.


Like 1

Card games

Like 2


Like 3

Turning a profit

Like 4

Confident people


Dislike 1

People who cheat a games

Dislike 2

People who hurt those he cares about

Dislike 3

People who refuse to pay him back

Dislike 4




Natural Strength

Blackjack is a skilled fighter and is rather strong. Not necessarily "super powered" strong, but capable of holding his own in a brawl and can pack a mean punch.



As a child, Blackjack grew up mostly on his own, travelling place to place and figuring out how to make ends meet. He picked up how to play cards when he was seven, and became incredibly good at several card games, and found a way to easily get by by winning games outside dive bars. When he was 11, he was challenged to a game after a winning streak by a young adult and his friends, and after being a bit too cocky and betting all his winnings from that night, he unceremoniously lost. When about to give the victors their winnings, he noticed a card up the sleeve of the winner and immediately realised he had been cheated. Upon pointing this out and refusing to give the cheater his money, Blackjack was ganged up on three to one and was severely beaten up. However, before anything worse could happen, he was saved by Clutch, who scared off the bullies.

During Blackjack's recovery following the attack, Clutch offered Blackjack a position in his organization essentially as an apprentice. He'd recieve a better life, but in exchange, he'd be required to be involved in a life of organized crime. With no real life to return to, Jack was quick to agree and spent his years groomed to be Clutch's right hand man, though their relationship became something familial as time went on. During this time, Blackjack continued to play cards as a hobby and developed an interest in various casino games.

Upon Clutch's retirement, Clutch opted to disband his organization rather than pass it on to anyone else. While Blackjack was initially hurt by this decision, assuming Clutch didn't find him to be a suitable successor, his tune changed when Clutch informed him he would invest in Blackjack's passion to open a casino. Of course, this came with the catch that Blackjack still needed to be there for other members of the organization, be it employing them, or giving them a safe haven or aid when they embarked out on their own paths, as well as being there for Clutch if need be. Of course, Blackjack was estatic at the opportunity and was quick to agree. With Clutch's investment, soon the Ocean Palace Casino in Seaside City was constructed and within a year, the investment was paid back in full.

Eggman's takeover and the Zombot Crisis

When the war started and Eggman took over the city, Blackjack was half expecting to be evacuated, captured, or worse. It threw him for a loop when his casino was left relatively undamaged, and instead was taken over by Eggman, due to his interest in the ritz and flair of the place. Eggman allowed Blackjack and his employees to remain there to run the place, but the casino went under a considerable change, from aeshetics changing to match Eggman's, to games being rigged, and prices soaring. Blackjack reluctantly bared it, not willing to risk his or his employees life to defy Eggman.

Eventually the war came to an end months later, and with the casino still in good shape after the war was done, Blackjack got to work restoring it back to it's former self and using his assets to aid in rebuilding the city around him. This allowed him to build a good rapport with the community and directed more attention and traffic to his casino.

When the Zombot crisis happened, he survived, along with saving several employees and patrons of the casino by allowing them access to the upper floors of the casino, usually restricted only for himself or verified guests. He again helped aid the community when the crisis ended by providing the city with financial aid.

Post Zombot Crisis

Now that there isn't a world ending crisis taking his focus, Blackjack has been able to pay more attention to his casino, and most importantly, his debtors. With the chaos of a war and a barely-thwarted zombie apocolypse, he lost tabs on many folks owe him money through his casino. Needing more hands on deck, he brought on Mimic to help in taking care of certain individual who are avoiding repayment.





Clutch the Opossum


Blackjack's former boss. After saving Blackjack from a brutal attack, Clutch took Blackjack in with the intention of molding him into the perfect assistant to his organization. He didn't expect to begin to genuinely care for him, and eventually growing to view him as though he were like a son. He trusts Blackjack more than he would anyone else. Likewise, Blackjack views Clutch like a father, and is completely devoted to him. He considers Clutch to be the first adult in his life to show him genuine kindness, and would do anything for the man.


Mimic the Octopus


A mercenary that Blackjack regularly hires for work. Blackjack and Mimic have a business mixed with pleasure sort of relationship, where both tend to be a bit playful and flirty, but are careful not to tread into actual romance. Neither of them truly trust one another, but Blackjack can rely on Mimic to do good work when needed. While Blackjack is fairly lax around Mimic, he is unafraid to try to intimidate the man into not getting too cocky. Both men believe to have a one up on each other, with both being under the impression that they're the ones who are actually in control of whatever kind of relationship they have. Both of them have feelings for one another, but are unwilling to act on or admit them.


Peony the Seedrian


Blackjack's assistant. She's a very soft spoken girl who diligently works as Blackjack's right hand woman. Blackjack and Peony trust each other dearly, after Blackjack took her in when she seemed dazed and wondering around cluelessly. Wanting to emulate what Clutch did for him, he decided to employ her and essentially make her into being the perfect assistant. He doesn't really know what kind of species she is, and as an amnesiac, she doesn't really know either.