


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Dating her tutor


Tiger Blood!

   A sophomore currently enrolled in the Juvenile Delinquency field who has no life plan.



【 Name 】N/A
【 Called 】Mickey
【 Age 】22
【 Gender 】Female
【 Height 】N/A
【 Field 】Juvenile Delinquency
【 Rank 】240
【 Alignment 】Neutral Good
【 Theme 】The Record Player Song - Daisy the Great

Personality & Relationships

Both of her parents are very successful detectives so Mickey feels like a lot of pressure is put on her. She has always had low self esteem. She wears baggy clothing outside of school so she can be comfortable. She tries to come off as tough and stand-offish but is very nervous and quiet. Mickey has been in a relationship with her tutor since her freshman year after he proposed they date.  She has an obsession with comic books that she is ashamed of. She is afraid of guns.

Her oldest and best friend. Mickey relies on Winnie for a lot of things, as she feels too weak and unconfident somedays. She respects Winnie very much and wishes to be more like her. The only physical fights she's ever been in were to defend Winnie.

Mickey finds Lee to be a little strange, and sometimes gets second hand embarrassment from her antics. Otherwise, Mickey respects her as a senior and admires her for her confident and outspoken personality, but would never outright admit this. 


She met Pasha, her tutor, during her freshman year and had been dating him ever since. She's head over heels for him, but she's afraid he may be losing interest in her.


  • She is often told that she lacks realistic goals, that she has talent but no drive to apply herself.
  • Terribly rude even when doing heroic deeds.





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