Cale (TMI)



TMI (Too Much Information)

Details and other stuff I want to share, but can't conveniently place anywhere else without making the amount of information too heavy or boring. The purpose of this tab is also to answer some questions you may have. (His jacket's buttons, for example. How does he close his jacket? What's the purpose of a jacket if it doesn't close? Is it a shirt jacket?!)

I will update this every now and then. There's a symbol in front of the most recent additions.
Last update: February 11, 2024.


Note: Cale is a fictional character of mine. I don't necessarily share the same views.


  • Teeth. They're slightly misaligned and he has a slight overbite, but it doesn't cause bigger problems. Braces were considered when he was a kid, but his childhood was a mess and there was no real chance to arrange an appointment with an orthodontist.
    • His left upper incisor is pointing more forward than the incisor next to it. It's not extremely noticeable (unless you're a dentist), but sure, it's visible.
  • His hair. He cuts it himself, not only because it feels more natural to him to do everyday things like that on his own, but also because it's a personal issue.
    • Cale was a withdrawn, reserved kid, who was good at reading people but also good at getting his ass kicked. Out of frustration and in order to survive, he started to fiercely defend himself when he was about ten years old. The reunification process got his hopes up, but time after time he was left disappointed and feeling abandoned. His mother didn't want him to have his hair cut, and his foster parents weren't legally allowed to do it without her permission. So Cale angrily shaved his hair with a razor when he was eleven to defy his mother and the bureaucracy. It was his first act of trying to take control over his life and show a middle finger to the system.
    • He let his hair grow again after that, and it was over shoulder length when he was sixteen. He cut a mohawk when he was ready to finally take control of his life and leave the old him behind when he was 16-17. It was a symbolic act; to cut his hair off completely would've meant he was going to start over, but he understood he could only grow as a person if he had his experiences and mistakes with him. So, a mohawk. It was also more than fitting to his newly found passion for old school punk rock.
      • He shaved his head when he started college. That was a brand new start for him. He cut a mohawk again after he graduated.
  • His jacket. Yes it has buttons. xD And it's not a shirt jacket. It's cotton, it's light but sturdy, and he can roll the sleeves of it, and he often does. It's a good jacket.


    > Lazy ref 1 (buttons) | Lazy ref 2 (details)
    • He has a leather jacket too, he wears it sometimes.
  • The band badges and patches. He doesn't have more of them simply because I don't want to draw bazillion band logos. XD And everything is removable, too... he doesn't iron the patches to the jacket. So it's definitely due to my laziness why he's not expressing his support for more bands, lol. But luckily I can explain why this choice is in character:
    • The badges are on the left side, so they are on the heart's side. If his heart has only room for two bands at a time, so be it. :3 But Cale doesn't need to prove anything to anyone, he knows himself what he feels, what he likes and what he wants. He knows he loves music and bazillion bands, and that's enough for him. The badges and patches he chooses to show the world in his apparel are on purpose preferably something that would provoke people who don't know what the logos are for. Bad Religion badge? Piss off the Christians! Anthrax pentagram patch? Piss off the Christians again xD In general he likes symbols that don't have text in them. If you know, you know.
  • Expressions. Cale understands and feels emotions, but he's uncertain how to express anything else than annoyance or anger. As a kid he was bullied for his expressionless "zombie kid" look, and after he grew frustrated enough of everyone pushing him around, he adapted a universal look that kept him safe: anger. He has been frowning more than half of his age, so his brow area has visible lines.


    • Cale's childhood was a continuous battle to understand what made his unpredictable and drunk mother angry and what calmed her down. From a young age, Cale learned to read even the slightest change in person's mood, and he also learned that if he showed emotions, his mother was more likely to get angry.
    • After his angry phase that lasted from middle school to 10th grade, life started to feel numbing for him, and he didn't know anymore what he was feeling or how to show it. He returned to the zombie kid phase, but this time he didn't want to feel anything.
    • And after that phase, Cale went all-in with his expressions, though he was still unsure how to show them. He was (and is) the most at ease when he didn't have to show what he felt, but it gave him an unpleasant feeling of vulnerability, both for the numbness getting the hang of him again and the people using him (again). Exaggerated expressions are a protective wall between him and the world. The emotions he shows are usually genuine and he sees no reason to fake his feelings, he just overdoes expressing them.
  • His shoe size is 10.5 (US; EU 44).
  • There is no meaning behind the rings he wears and on which fingers, nor about the amount of the earrings.
  • As a kid, Cale was frail looking, thin and short, but he was fast. After the age of ten he was picking a lot of fights, and he had a fat lip and a black eye almost weekly.
    • After some time he noticed the other boys were growing taller and bigger, and rather than winning fights, he was getting his ass kicked more regularly. He started to avoid physical fights, and trusted that his words were more hurtful than his fists. Even if he didn't smack people in the face, many of his peers thought he was scary.
    • He was always hoping to grow tall just to appear more intimidating, and he was disappointed when he reached his full height by about age sixteen. He doesn't care about it much anymore, as he has already decided the human body is a redundant waste container anyway, and he's used to being the shortest guy in groups.
      • He has set his drum kit so it's the most optimal within his reach to play efficiently and comfortably, but sometimes he still wishes to be just a little bit taller.


  • He's aromantic asexual.
    • He hasn't had crushes or been in love. He has had sex, but he is sex-repulsed and has zero interest in intimacy or romance.
      • Though it's not fair to say he hasn't experienced love. He can love deeply, just not in a romantic way.
  • He is a perfectionist and extremely organized, he takes notes, schedules his days, makes to-do lists and follows them. He multitasks whenever it's possible, takes care of things ASAP, works hard and late and somehow manages to not burn out.
    • He gets frustrated and visibly restless if there's nothing he can do and he can't keep his mind busy.
      • He will take more smoke breaks when he's bored, which leads him to be more irritated if the break between smoke breaks gets too long, and eventually it frustrates him even more to notice even excessive smoking isn't enough.
  • Cale is prone to developing addictions and he is aware of it. He had a crack addiction and problems with some other drugs and alcohol when he was a teen. He has worked very hard to not give in for his cravings, and he's proud of his perseverance, but he knows he will always have to keep on fighting.
    • His adoptive parents supported him during darker times, and Cale is incredibly grateful for them. Music was another lifesaver for him, and Cale doesn't really see any reason to live if he couldn't make music.
  • When he was a teenager, he used to be much more dominant and less discussing with people. He would insult people for anything starting from their families and physical features. He played in a metal band in high school, he was the lead guitarist and the vocalist, and he was a pain in the ass to his bandmates for his overcontrolling and tyrannical way of making them follow his artistic vision.


    • After his life change at the age of ~16, he stepped back from any leading positions, left his old social groups behind, became more withdrawn in social situations and didn't insult people anymore the way he used to, and never about their looks. He started to focus on expressing himself and be who he really was without the pressure coming from the outside. He joined a new band and switched his instrument to drums, which made him feel he could still be in control in the band but in a much more discussing way. Drumming is his soul.
  • Cale was the annoying kid in school who didn't have to study hard to get good grades. He wasn't a model student by any means, but he had a good memory, he was naturally questioning everything which strengthened his critical thinking, and he was good at understanding concepts. He sucked at P.E. and he struggled to hold his attention in some science classes and math (logic without a chance to argue bored him). He got excellent grades from social studies, English and art classes.
    • He knew some teachers saw his potential and made him their special project they could "save", and he used it to his advantage to get away with his bad behavior several times. He could be very manipulative if he wanted, and he was especially good at using those with a savior syndrome to look his troublemaking through their fingers.
  1. Cale is a lucid dreamer. His urge to control things is so strong he isn't giving himself a break even when he's asleep.
    • He is a sound sleeper, surprisingly so. He schedules his sleep, and if he knows he has a lot on his mind, he broadly schedules himself a little less sleep and keeps in mind there's a big chance for nightmares and otherwise unpleasant dreams.
      • Denny occasionally waking him up in the middle of the night is something Cale can't plan ahead, but he's okay with it.


  • He's an atheist and doesn't believe in any higher power.
  • His political views are liberal, and he can talk smartly about politics in the USA and around the world, the government and economics.
    • He plays in punk bands and listens to punk... of course he has something to say about the state of the nation. He reads the news too.
  • He doesn't argue about politics or religion, he sees it's a waste of time. It doesn't mean he doesn't silently judge the other person for their views, though.
  • His views and philosophies are complex and seem to contradict themselves.
    • In summary, he sees just being born is making it impossible to live by the way you truly are. He sees his existence has trapped him, even more so because he is aware of it.
    • He sees the human body is limiting the mind and free thinking, and ultimately the reason behind why humanity is destroying itself and the planet.
    • Looking the way he looks, wearing the clothes he wears and doing the things he does is only slightly hypocritical in his opinion - there is no place on Earth where one could be living altruistically and only execute their mind's desires. To exist in a Western society means he can be pro-human rights, but secondarily supporting inhumane working conditions on the other side of the planet simply by wearing any piece of clothing, for example. Every choice everyone individually makes is a new link to a never-ending chain that's choking humankind.
      • He has decided he can't stop it and doesn't bother trying to make the "right" decisions in his everyday life (e.g. he smokes and drives an old van that eats a lot of gas). Being a vegetarian or doing good deeds would only make him feel better about himself, which would make him feel more hypocritical. He chooses to observe and make music of what he sees and feels.


  • He's Pisces but I don't know his birthday lol, sometime in March I guess in 1989 or 1990
  • The music store he works for is called A Dave's Music. He has been working there for four years.
  • He owns a dark 1995 Chevrolet G20 van. He's the designated driver in his bands.
