


6 years, 2 months ago


Profile Progress

There is always something to be improved.


There won't be a tomorrow with out the sun.

Name || Greyson Strider
Alias || Bunny, Major
Age || 36
Birthday || May 26th
Gender || Male
Orientation || Heterosexual/romantic
Height || 6'2
Weight || 184
Species || Human
Occupation || Police officer/Assassin
Status || Alive
Theme || Song
Likes || His children, Cute things, Justice
Dislikes || Frozen pizza, sugarless candy
Fears || Losing everything he loves



Dark brown or Black hair, slightly tanner white skin, and blue eyes


Greyson; A kind loving and very affectionate man. He's the type that will willingly have heart to hearts and give you a hug rather than a pat on the back or a shake of the hand. He loves his family and would do anything for them, this is especially true for the youngest of his children, given she is his only daughter and if he's being perfectly honest, he's always wanted a little girl. He's very friendly and always willing to give a smile, a friendly wave, a attentive ear, or a bit of cash when you fall on hard times. He does at times have a bit of a temper, but normally has very good self control, other wise he can lose himself, quite literally, to his rage.
Bunny; A rather shy flighty individual, so he doesn't make an appearance often, usually only when Greyson is feeling safe and happy will he do so. He is Sweet and childish, he wants nothing more than to play and have fun, to pick flowers and bounce around in puddles. He's the sweetst little boy and loves to be sung to.
Major; Filled with rage but otherwise usually emotionless man that if not for his fondness for Greyson's youngest child, one might consider a psychopath. Major is a silent man that you may as well consider mute because you will never hear a word from his lips. Cold, with little fondness for the world around him, few people are able to earn his respect or affection. He seems to have no response to pain and won't think twice about inflicting injuries to any living being if he feels they deserve it. He has a strong sense of justice and believes the ends justify the means.


Some of his history has something to do with abuse and self harm. Please do not read if you are easily triggered by such subjects. 

Greyson is a family man, three sons and a baby girl. A kind loving man who adores his family with one little twist, he suffers from Dissociative identity disorder(DID). As far as he is aware, no one knows of his condition as he keeps it secret, though it is speculative that his wife may know of one of his split personalities, the innocent childish and sweet little boy known as Bunny. This personality came about when he was about 5 or 6 when he witnessed the murder of his father at the hands of his dad's partner(the two being police officers), who threatened him into silence. It's very likely she didn't know of the other how ever. The 2nd of his two split personalities came around the time his mother remarried when he was 10, to the very man that unbeknownst to her, murdered his father. It turned out his step father is a mean drunk that knows how to punch with out leaving a bruise. Thus the birth of Major.

When he was 13, after a particularly bad incident with his step father, Major had taken over and stared the step father down his eyes cold and emotionless as he broke his own arm over the edge of the counter before before repeatedly punching himself in the face and banging his head against the wall, showing no inkling that he felt the pain he was inflicting on himself. Once it was over with, He forced Bunny into control, who immediately began to bawl like a small child, crying for his mommy, who promptly ran in with the most horrified expression. Later that evening his step father was arrested and eventually sent to prison for the beating. Major is basically the protector, though usually acting upon his own interests, he is most seen when Greyson is feeling angry and/or helpless, which has lead many to believe that's just how he acts when he was pissed off. Most if not all, not even considering the possibility that it isn't Greyson at all to begin with. His wife often told their children not to brother him when he was upset because the look in his eye honestly terrified her when he got that way.

Greyson meant Rachel their freshmen year of high school after he moved, the two marrying right out of school. He became a police officer himself, having gone into the academy at 18 shortly before the birth of his first son. Unfortunately, Major had other plans for their life. The cold silent personality decided to set out to become an assassin. A rather successful one at that. That is until he caused a bit too much trouble with some rather unsavory types, which cause Greyson to fake his death before the birth of his youngest child, when his sons were 17, 14, and 9, and go into hiding in order to keep his family from getting caught up in the middle of the trouble Major had caused.

During this time of separation, he keeps a close eye on his family, and eventually even goes so far as to contact them (his sons more specifically) via text or email, mostly cryptic but helpful texts. Sometimes he'll call the house just to hear his wives voice, and eventually, to talk to his daughter. His oldest sons both becomes police officers, the youngest son, after a short stint doing work for an assassin by the name of Hazelle, opened a pizza parlor.


Family: Wife - Rachel Strider, Sons - Zachary, Tim, and Derek Strider, Daughter - Crystal Strider

Important Moments

  • The murder of his father when he was 6/7
  • His mother marrying his abusive step father when he was 10
  • He was married at 18, right out of high school.


  • Secretly, Crystal is his favorite. Mostly because he can most relate to her, plus he's always wanted a daughter.
  • His oldest son was always more of a mama's boy, because for the first few years of his life, Greyson was in the police academy and didn't have as much time to spend with his family as he would of liked.
  • Bunny has only come out 4 times since Major hurt them when they were 13. Once for each birth of Greyson's first three children, and during the early stages of Rachel's pregnancy with Crystal during a family picnic.

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