Ying yang twins



1 year, 9 months ago


Anyways, some design details!

1) Both are enderman and piglin hybrids. What gives them the Ying Yang feeling, is the fact of their colour schemes- one is closer to that of an enderman, other- to that of a piglin (my colour ideas)

2) Both naturally have short tails that don't match either of their species. To make them more appealing, decided to wear prosthetics made out of gold, that are lightweighted and flexible. 

3) The darker coloured one has a wither effect scar on their face, which has affected their eyesight, rendering them blind in one eye. 

4) Both have hooved feet and clawed hands

5) Have small tusks that are comfortably hidden under enderman type mouth and lips.

6) Almost all clothing they own is colored differently than the other, making each of their outfits being different than the others (like drawn)

7) Not shown yet, but one is allergic to water (lighter one), while other is allergic to lava (darker one)