
Dove's Morning Song | Herbalist | 12 Moons | She/Her Pronouns | Pan

A fluffy, dilute blue cream tabico with white accents and hazel eyes


Dove, at first glance, is a kind and gentle cat who works hard at her craft. She is complimentary with her honey-sweet words and affectionate glances. But looks can be deceiving. Beneath that soft, fluffy exterior lies a master manipulator who uses her charisma for her own gain. While she isn’t outright malicious in any way, she isn’t exactly a peach either, and is often (in the grand scheme of things) only looking out for herself. With her proclaimed mission to heal the sick, she takes her job as a healer very seriously, but not just for the physical, but for the spiritual. She’s somewhat diluted herself into viewing herself as someone who serves fully and completely, but in all actuality doing everything to preen her own ego and need to be seen as a savior. Truly? She views herself as someone above most other cats and is fairly entitled, though she has convinced herself that she is good and gracious in all that she does. After all, she lives to serve! To serve the brotherhood, and to save the clans from themselves. They’re merely misguided as she had been. She can help them see the Sun’s more gracious light. It’ll be easy! Right?

… Right?


Though her parents and aunt (Seastar- the newly elected TideClan leader) were originally loner dock/boat cats, all Dove- originally named Sweetkit- has ever known is clan life. After her mother perished on TideClan land when Sweetkit was barely a moon old, she was taken in by TideClan and reunited with her aunt. She was very feeble and sick, and nearly perished along with her two littermates. However, she managed to come out on top!

She grew up just like any other clan kit, and easily charmed the monarch’s with her sweet little voice and a batting of her eyelashes. It didn’t help that she was praised so highly by her aunt. Eventually, after being so spoiled, she grew quite the internalized ego, believing that she was special and one of a kind.

It was clear from the get-go that Sweet has a strange infatuation with the macabre. She finds the cycle of life and death fascinating, and always adored hearing tales of StarClan and the great beyond, though she wasn’t quite sure just how sound the religion was; finding its foundation made from sinking sand. This fascination with darker subjects was solidified early in her apprenticeship, as when swiftly taken by the tide while out looking for little treasures the water might have left for her only a few days into her training, and she nearly perished in those salty waters before waking up on the shore coughing up salt water and being rushed back to camp by her mentor- who just so happened to be the aunt she adored so much. This incident changed how Sweetpaw viewed her life. After all, she nearly died twice now. That was enough to make anyone see a different point of view. Sweetpaw was hit with the start of an epiphany of sorts- she knew she must be alive for a reason. That she was going to grow up and do great and wonderful things. It was written in the waves that had nearly swallowed her up, and cradled her safely to shore. It was then and there she decided to dedicate her life to doing nature’s bidding, as it was never StarClan who saved her, oh no no! But Mother Nature’s swift and terrible love, and it was to that force in which she owed her very life. Whatever powers that be had spared her despite her young, foolish ineptitude for a reason. What is it that she is meant for, exactly? Well- she didn’t know it then, but it was tied to something more than her normal clan life. All she knew was that it must have had something to do with her studies, leaving her wandering eyes to look not only at her warrior training and desire for leadership, but at the medicine den as well. After all, if she wants to be connected to the earth, then she needs to understand its life.

At least that’s what she thought. After the debacle with the Great Storm, where she was swept away once again and taken from the only life and family she’d known, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Taken in by a group of cats calling themselves The Fellowship of the Brotherhood along with her clanmates Winterwave and Finkit, as well as cats from the other two clans as well, she was left in fear and confusion, but tried to make the best of things as she recovered from her injuries. Luckily, her rescuers brought with them a wisdom and kindness that opened up Sweetpaw to new horizons. Specifically the brotherhood’s take on religion as well as their version of healers: herbalists. Slowly but surely she started to become more involved with the group, even taking the nickname Dove that was so lovingly bestowed upon her by the group’s higher ups: the Illuminates. Despite all the new friends and mentors, Dove’s mind kept drifting back to home, and to her greatest friend Beetlepaw. For so long she was convinced that the two of them would take on the world together, side by side. But where was she now? Why were they separated? And why wasn’t her auntie, her only family, here? It didn’t make any sense. She was supposed to do something great, wasn’t she? So why weren’t those close to her along for the ride? 

Well, the more she dug into the brotherhood’s life, the more she found her answer. Truly, she had been meant to be here all along! She was supposed to bring TideClan to salvation! She was going to be a healer of both body and soul- and Beetlepaw and Auntie Seastar just needed to hear it from her. They were going to be skeptical, of course, being entrenched in clan life for so long, of course the cursed moon had them wrapped around her mighty claw. But Beetlepaw had never thought much of StarClan, so surely she’d come around? Of course they would! The two of them were cut from the same cloth. They were the only one Dove could truly be herself around- well now she had the whole brotherhood, and Beetlepaw could have that support too if they just listened. Just because Finkit and Winterwave rejected the loving embrace of the Sun didn’t mean the others would do the same. This was her mighty task. Her cross to bear. She would do it. She would save them all, and then they would all truly understand and love her the way she deserved. 

Newly named and ready to take on her first mission, Dove’s Morning Song is ready to take on her destiny. It’ll be a tough road ahead, but she’s certain it will all work out in the end.

Aunt and Mentor: Seastar- alive
Mother: Siren- deceased
Father: Anchor- deceased
Girlfriend Best Friend: Beetlepaw- alive