Casey Chen



1 year, 9 months ago


Casey Chen
male [he/him]
31 [august 13th]
5'10" [1.78 m]
private investigator
Who is Casey Chen? That's a question that Casey himself struggles to answer. If you ask just about anyone, they'll say that he's a hotshot private detective who belongs on the cover of a pulp magazine--the suave, charming hero of the story who always wins in the end. With all his schmoozing and dealing, some people consider him just two steps below a con man. He claims that this 'fake it 'til you make it' attitude that's garnered him success in life, though much of it can also be contributed to luck or circumstance.

Of course, it's that overconfident attitude that also gets him into trouble. His lack of forethought usually results in him being surprised by the consequences of his own actions. He also has a tendency to be somewhat self-centered, not considering how his off-the-cuff comments might be considered thoughtless or insulting to other people. These traits combined results in Casey starting more fights than he can finish, though he'll never really own up to it.

Few people, if any, know Casey on a private level. Almost every aspect of his persona is inauthentic, his appearance carefully crafted to project a certain image to other people as part of an elaborate performance. Underneath everything, Casey is a deeply lonely, insecure person who craves intimacy, and yet remains frustrated with himself for his inability to form authentic connections. Despite this deep-seated hunger, he fears that his true self is inherently unlikable, and thus, he continues to perform as his inauthentic self, an iron grip on his mask.

It's a mask that he'll wear to his grave.


NICK VERGHESE - Partner in crime. Casey subconsiously tries a little harder to show off around Nick, and he's not entirely sure why. He keeps trying to pry him out of his shell, with a variable success rate and a small chance of pissing Nick off.

??? - Ex-fiance. Casey's relationship with her is strained, as they always butted heads while they were dating. Ultimately, she was the one who broke it off. Unfortunately for both of them, they seem to run into each other with alarming frequently.