


1 year, 9 months ago


black dress, fishnets
hair spray, finger paint
pentagrams and crosses
upside down, I guess I'm off it

name Tori
age immortal
gender masc (he/they)
height 5'8"
species human (vampire)
birthday october (scorpio)
occupation resident
status single

Stark and snappy, Tori has an attitude one would typically associate with how he looks. However uninviting, his face often makes him seem more mean than he actually is, as his default isnt to just snap at anyone that breathes in his direction. But, we all have those days. Tori no less than others.

Though Tori is immortal and has been for a few years now, he still acts much like his body's age, and that's your average 19 year old punk. He's a little conceited, and although he acts like he doesn't care about anything, let alone his appearance, he will take opportunities to fix his hair when no one is looking or straighten his outfit. He will even check mirrors out of habit, despite no longer having a reflection.

Tori may come off as emotionally turbulent due to his quick temper and attitude, but he actually hides a lot of his deeper emotions. He is never sad around others and tends to cover his woes with anger or agitation. He will seem like he's in some sort of bad mood at all times, but it's never obvious just how bad or how serious it actually is. Tori is pretty happy these days, as hard as it is to tell by his usual expression. Since moving to Hallow Haunted Hills, he's around a lot more like-minded individuals, and so there's really no reason for him to be hateful towards anyone.

Standoffish by nature or simply to keep others emotionally at a safe distance, Tori can be tough to understand. As much as he seems like he'd much rather keep to himself, he does enjoy having friends and likes to be in the presence of others that understand him. He isnt immune to feeling lonely and may sometimes seek out company. To fight off the crushing sense of loneliness, he spends a lot of time with Ambrose.

Speaking of Ambrose, the vampire that turned him, their relationship is rather complex and equally difficult to understand from an outside perspective. It may look like they dont get along too well due to Ambrose constantly teasing Tori, and Tori always acting annoyed of Ambrose. What you see is superficial, and simply how they act around each other. Truthfully, they get along alright and actually share a rather close bond.


  • his wings are retractable! although it's more comfortable to have them out
  • still not totally used to his fangs and occasionally slips up with a lisp
  • his diet is mostly blood. he can eat 'human food' however it doesn't satisfy his hunger or thirst, so he often finds it a waste of time. (unless it is small, like a treat or snack)
  • sunlight hurts...prolongued sunlight would kill him, so he very rarely leaves town
  • collects CD's, they're the only reason he'll ever go out
  • he is transgender and was on hrt for about 2 - 3 years prior to turning
  • likes a lot of bands, but his longest running favorite is the devil wears prada
Design Notes

  • usually seen with a snaggle tooth
  • heart-shaped curl not optional
  • very sharp/long eyelashes with red lines under eyes
  • nothing on him is pure white
  • pretty much always wearing long sleeves
  • wings are optional as they're retractable
  • nails are super sharp and always painted matte black
  • has two fang 'puncture' marks on the left side of his neck, often obscured by a choker

Tori always felt strongly that he was born to the wrong parents. They were heavily religious and disapproved of everything about him--from his style, to his attitude, his interests, and even his whole identity.
Despite what they saw in him as a rebel teenage mess that simply lost his way due to his lack of faith in God or what have you, he was a decent kid and stayed clean throughout his time in school. He never partied or drank or smoked, just an avid fan of rock music and punk fashion, which is all they seemed to care about. Additionally, he was an atheist, and wasn't straight nor cis.

Even when he lost his best friend in high school, to a similar but more severe home life, he still stayed rather clean. Although, he did become darker, and started to hold darker beliefs and interests. He still kept his head relatively on his shoulders...all things considered.

Into his adulthood, Tori still lived with his parents, but he fed and took care of himself. After a while, his relationship with his family became so strained it was like living with strangers. He argued against them way less than he did as a child and preferred to simply avoid conversation and family events. This lead him to stray farther and farther from home and stay out later with each night.
Tori never made many new friends, as none could replace the one he lost, so he was always out alone and felt that he could fend for himself.

On some of these nights, however, Tori would encounter a strange man. He didnt know him, but for some odd reason he found him vaguely familiar. One night in an empty diner that stayed open late, he finally engaged with him. The two conversed rather deeply, Tori eventually stating he believed the stranger was following him, to which he replied, "that may be true." Tori felt an odd connection with him.
The stranger was Ambrose, a vampire that had been watching Tori for some time now. The two would speak on and off, and days following their first encounter, Ambrose approached Tori in an isolated alley with rather loaded questions. He then confessed that he'd grown fond of him and chose him for something far greater. In the end, it was Tori's choice to take his offer, and not something that was forced onto him.

Ambrose took Tori to live with him in Hallow Haunted Hills