Tyler the Typhoon



1 year, 7 months ago


Tyler the Typhoon chose this name for himself as he got older. Because the name Shadow Blaze definitely didn't fit him as he grew into his features.

A rescue team member paired with a female shadow houndour/oom
They came from "the old world" and currently live in "the new world" a phrase that does not accurately portray the worlds themselves.
They are not a part of any guild, able to roam around and take on jobs from any guild or task board in the areas.
They frequently decline payment from those they assist, because it's better to be able to help than to take from those that had no other option.

Tyler is a natural hybrid that was born from a delta houndoom and a normal floatzel. The delta variation was passed down to him, but didn't keep the same typing (probably because he wasn't a pure houndour). So he was born as a houndour x buizel hybrid with the water/psychic typing.

That all being said, Tyler looked like a normal baby houndour when he was a pup. In his universe, houndour start off as little black pups. Some have red/orange patches to their fur, and some do not. None of them have the bone-like armor formed over their bodies, yet. So his parents thought he was going to be just a normal houndour and named him accordingly.

As he got older, Tyler's forehead protection grew in denser than the bone-like one that his species is known for. His leg 'bones' grew in as did the fins that run along the front legs. The hind legs didn't grow in their cuffs. His tail also grew out to be much longer than normal, and a collar formed around his neck. So he went from a totally normal houndour puppy to a rather interesting hybrid as he grew.