


1 year, 7 months ago






Dulce, Deedee


5'2 (157 cm)


They/them or any


September 25

Dulce is undergoing a metamorphosis, a change of character, a desperate grasp at a sense of self. Growing up being the eldest child and with high expectations, Dulce has never lived for themself and has only truly lived for praise and approval, something their somewhat-recent friend has unintentionally made them realize. Determined to become their own person, Dulce is trying to become outgoing and do things they usually wouldn't find themselves doing, just to try and see what they truly like.

Despite all this, Dulce still subconsciously craves that approval that they have sought after all their life. They hope to please people even in branching out, even in trying to become somebody different, even trying to become who they want to be. Or, at least, who they believe they want to be.

Dulce is a shy person who often keeps to themself and clings to their friends. However, they can be a bit unpredictable, reckless, and damaging to themself in the process. A catalyst within the friend group to themself and others, Dulce tries to simply let loose and have fun to fit in, for they only want to be loved and praised.

"So here we are, we're just two losers / I want you and you want something more beautiful" - Japanese Breakfast


Symbolic Animal

Profile Art


The Tower


They're pretty charming.. kind of unpredictable, though.

@ sylvvvie


Dulce is ambitious, and often perceived as "productive", for they like to keep busy. They're a hard worker, though it often can get to the point where they stretch themselves far too thin due to lingering habits. They're very personable, and do actually like talking to people, even if they tend to be a bit shy and clunky. When they warm up to people, they tend to be incredibly chatty (sometimes to the point of oversharing and embarrassing themselves). They do often cling to their friends instead of branching out, though. More specifically, they really just cling to Momo.

Neutrally, Dulce has a very strong black and white morality view of life, and believes that there is a "good" way to be and a "bad" way. Dulce often tries to avoid people that they perceive as "bad", which is either influenced by their own view of the person or Momo's view of the person (however Momo's judgment often overrules Dulce's.) They also hold themselves to very strict morals, and only later in the story do they begin to shed that and start so slowly devolve into what they would typically classify as "bad". For better or for worse.

Because of their upbringing as a gifted child and their strict moral code, Dulce seeks approval very, very heavily, though they often seek it from specific people rather than broadly everybody. It used to be their parents, but as they grew up, they wanted to push themself away from their parents. Now, it's Momo that they heavily seek approval of. It often dictates the choices that Dulce makes, and the way that Dulce acts. It's not a conscious choice, but Dulce tries incredibly hard to be a person that Momo would like. Thus, it often influences how they act, even if it's not how they would genuinely behave otherwise. Because they seek approval, they also often believe to have crushes on people who give them attention or validation in some way. It's difficult to place where Dulce's real romantic feelings lie, or if Dulce even has those, because Dulce gets "crushes" very easily.

In summary, Dulce is a shy individual who desperately seeks approval from their friend and wants to be accepted and loved as much as they love their friend, too. They are rigid, morally, but overtime sheds it as their desire for approval overrules their moral code. They're friendly, however, and they love to listen to people and to be listened to, and heavily appreciates genuineness and kindness from people.









We were roomed together freshman year, and then both of us just decided we didn't want to have to get re-roomed with a stranger. I like them. They're nice.

from Momo



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum cursus, risus ut aliquet pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum cursus, risus ut aliquet pharetra, libero risus sollicitudin mi, luctus sollicitudin urna mi maximus est. Donec imperdiet nulla sit amet commodo volutpat. Quisque mauris massa, placerat ut metus id, euismod imperdiet mi. Etiam quis ultrices velit. Aliquam metus sem, gravida vitae placerat eu, sodales a quam. Integer vitae lobortis ligula. Nunc ut porttitor erat. Etiam vel dapibus quam, sit amet faucibus tellus. Vestibulum condimentum molestie arcu, a vestibulum erat sagittis id. Etiam est felis, pulvinar eu dui et, iaculis elementum nulla. Nullam odio massa, placerat non lectus non, tincidunt pellentesque tellus. Nunc at nibh urna.


Proin mollis eros justo, et luctus tortor egestas vel. Nullam at nisi vel arcu dictum cursus. Nam id convallis nisl, id sollicitudin nulla. Nullam et orci mattis, rhoncus sapien sollicitudin, interdum dolor. In malesuada sagittis eros ut euismod. Sed scelerisque, odio sit amet pulvinar dictum, ante diam commodo felis, in faucibus velit metus ac lorem. Vestibulum lectus leo, rutrum id magna pretium, vulputate convallis sapien. Cras dui mauris, gravida pretium hendrerit sit amet, facilisis sed neque. Praesent sodales dui interdum risus dapibus, non sodales risus tempus. Nulla facilisi. Ut suscipit vehicula velit.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ex dolor, pulvinar eu commodo in, rhoncus quis dui. Cras vestibulum dignissim fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec quis pretium nibh, a eleifend quam. Curabitur vitae ante ac est iaculis finibus quis sit amet eros. Duis eget volutpat nunc. Fusce scelerisque leo augue, non euismod lorem lobortis in. Ut eu lorem eu felis porta rutrum. Vivamus fringilla malesuada nisl in finibus. Vestibulum in enim mi. Nullam eleifend ligula id nunc fringilla, sed semper est bibendum. Sed ultricies nec nunc id viverra.

Nullam sed commodo orci. Nullam turpis ante, accumsan vitae consequat quis, aliquet semper sapien. Nam tristique auctor lacus vitae pellentesque. Nulla commodo nunc quis arcu euismod dapibus ut ut augue. Phasellus id orci turpis. Nulla sapien urna, pharetra non pharetra ac, dictum et massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum bibendum tortor at felis commodo egestas. Aliquam iaculis, felis eget iaculis tempus, felis diam molestie neque, id fringilla nulla lacus ac metus. Nulla a elementum nunc. Sed ac sem a arcu accumsan laoreet. Vivamus consectetur nunc nulla, in bibendum erat dapibus et. Aliquam vel lorem vitae lectus interdum maximus vel in tellus. Suspendisse sagittis justo sapien, sit amet fringilla neque sagittis vitae. Mauris eget lacus eros. Quisque eget sapien tortor.


hazel eyes, with bleached brows and a septum piercing

Dulce has a chubbier bodytype, and is specifically rounder around the stomach, upper arms and thighs. They do have a bit of a chest, but because they bind, it's not ever really visible.

I prefer them to mostly be portrayed binding! (If it contextually makes sense to do otherwise, just ask me first)

Their hair is in passion twists! Most similar to these styles: (x)(x)(x). You can put their hair in a different protective style, but don't change their hair texture from type 4 or i will be sad

Has a septum piercing as well as a tongue piercing.

Also has a mole on the left side (or, their right) of their face, resting near their jawline

You're going out? Tonight? .. Give me a few minutes, I'll come too!

Dulce is The Tower due to their destructive habits and rapid, destructive change that they go through throughout the story.

The owl is their symbolic animal due to being associated with wisdom, and them being a gifted kid.

Both their piercings were picked due to their ability to be easily hidden.

Despite their symbolic animal being the owl, they also get compared to a kitten or a puppy throughout the story by various characters. This is mostly from Blanche and Ezra, who view Dulce as pathetic.

Dulce's nickname has genuinely no reasoning behind it. They're just sweet. :)

Interesting. I guess.

@ ezzyra666


knit textures

academic success

casual games



strong smells
