Ryder Kosstone



2 years, 9 days ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man, He/Him 

Species: Human 

Abilities: Light 

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Age: Late teens 

Personality: Ryder is a gentle, kind soul, which seems so out of place in the royal court nowadays. He cares deeply and obviously, and yet has had a hard time making friends because he is an oddball out of all the noble family’s children. He’s creative, often using his ability in ways most in his family wouldn’t ever think of, and often uses it in his creative endeavors of photography and sewing. He’s learning what he wants his place in the world to be, past just a simple nobleman from the Sidorian royal court, he doesn’t want to be someone that turns out entitled and gross when they get older because of his class. 

Story Summary: Ryder grew up a typical nobleman in a family apart from the royal court, but his parents didn’t let that prevent him from being kind and gentle and caring about everyone around him regardless of social class. That gentleness and creativity they allowed to blossom caused him to be a little bit of an outcast when it came to the other noble families. That was, until he met Princess Tigra at one of the fancy royal parties the king put on, and all that changed. He grew closer with her, and even with some of her staff that he found she treated equally as family and he fell slowly in love with her. Every time he sees her, he’s the happiest he knows he’s ever going to be, and he can’t wait for the day that they can eventually be together in the eyes of everyone else instead of in secret.