Delyth's Comments

AHHHHHH THERE SHE IS!!!!! I am so glad I got to read about her more in detail and understand just how long and difficult her healer journey has been. The bit about getting rejected from the prestigious academy and having to find a less direct route was neat and realistic in particular. I'd love to rp with her sometime too... I wanna see her in action. Also since I never said this before lemme just say while working with her I appreciate her color scheme a lot; the icy blue eyes against red hair is such a beautiful combination.

Aaah thank you QwQ

I love red hair, so I had to give her kind of that amber/green/earthy kind of palate... and of course with the bright hair, she had to have the blue eyes ^^

I really like making older characters because you can put so much more in their back story since they've been through so much more than a younger character... 

And that would be so cool to do a rp with you o0o I haven't rp'ed in a good while...

>insert the eyes emoji here< another reason you need to get a discord... I bet she'd get along wonderfully with Laomi, cause yknow, plants....

They can be plant friend's together XD

YES, EXACTLY... Delyth can teach her about healing herbs and Laomi can teach her about flower language....