Tamazaki Ikuyo



6 years, 4 months ago




NAME || Tamazaki Ikuyo
ALIAS || Ghost Girl
GENDER || female
AGE || 15
SIGN || aries
BIRTHDAY || april 2
ETHNICITY || japanese
OCCUPATION || student
STATUS || alive
THEME || link

Tamazaki Ikuyo, also known as Ghost Girl, is a first year student at U.A.




Ikuyo is a ball of energy, and doesn't get tired easily, which also gives her seemingly endless stamina. She loves to see other people smiling, and tries to make people laugh as much as she can. She tends to see the glass as half full, and tries to point out the pros rather than the cons. However, her lack of experience in the real world of being a hero gives her foolish ideals and makes her naive, which often gets her into trouble.

Ikuyo has always been rather popular in her classes, as people usually find her ghosts to be cute, and her power to be cool. She enjoys being the center of attention, but she never really had any super close friends before attending U.A. 

She can be quite nosy, and tends to butt into people's personal space. She has good intentions at heart, and tries to help others, but can be intrusive doesn't really understand when people want to be left alone.   

Ikki is terrible with technology and prefers to go without it if at all possible. She much prefers going outside to spending time with electronics, and much prefers to talk to people in person rather than by text or instant messaging.

Under normal conditions, she is a quick and creative thinker, and is easily able to come up with many with rather unconventional, spur-of-the-moment solutions when necessary for perhaps a small inconvenience or hypothetical situations. Whether each solution is effective is unpredictable; some are great, and others are not worth a second thought. However, if this is an issue that will determine significant things for herself, others, or both, she will freeze up and panic.

Ikuyo is also terribly scared of dying-- both for the people she'll leave behind, as well as herself, scared of not existing any longer.

|| LIKES ||
  • scary stories
  • procrastinating
  • watermelon
  • soft things
  • her hair
  • written exams
  • advanced technology
  • repetitive routines
|| HABITS ||
  • waving at people if she doesn't know what to say
  • manifesting her ghosts and playing with them when bored
  • whistling while she walks



HEIGHT || 160 cm (5’3)
WEIGHT || 59 kg (130 lbs)
SCARS & TATTOOS || small burn scars from failed attempts at cooking
SCENT || citrus
COLOR THEME || blue and white

Skills & Abilities

Quirk: Friendly Ghost (emitter type)

Ikuyo can produce up to two little ghosties that can pass through objects at will, and when one holds the hand of one of them, they can pass through objects as well, and float about five centimeters above the ground. They also serve as a nice distraction.

Much later on, she will be able to manifest a third ghost, but likely not until her third year.

Hand-to-hand combat

Ikuyo is fairly proficient in physical combat. She trains her body regularly in order to keep herself in shape, and to prevent herself from relying too much on her quirk. Her strengths lie in her speed and reaction time.




Ikuyo grew up with her ghosts, having shown signs of this ability quite early on in her life. When she was an infant, it was only one, but a few years later the second ghost appeared. She can't even remember not having them with her. This said, she was extremely surprised that when her sister's quirk never manifests. 

Four years younger than her, Tamazaki Rei dreamed of being a Pro-Heroes like the ones she saw on TV, but started losing hope when she saw all the other kids with their cool powers and had nothing to show in return. Ikuyo always tried to be a good role model and protector for her sister. She would always lend a ghost to Rei so that she wouldn't be picked on for not having a quirk. As Rei had always idolized Pro-Heroes, Ikuyo would let Rei use her ghosts so she felt like she had a quirk of her own and could play Pro-Hero with the other kids. Rei's dreams of being a hero motivate Ikuyo further to try and live her dreams for her, applying to Yuuei aiming to be a hero to at least her beloved younger sister.

STory arcs


Right before the Licensing Exam, Ikuyo recieves a phone call from her parents and sister. Though there is much clamor and it's hard to make out what they try to tell her, eventually her family calms down long enough to inform her that Rei's quirk has finally manifested and she can make the same ghosts as her older sister. Overjoyed by the news, Ikuyo promises her family that she will get her Hero License soon and asks them to watch over her as she becomes one of the best Pro-Heroes.


|| THEMES ||
ELEMENT|| wind
SEIYUU|| Akasaki Chinatsu
SEASON || summer
COLOR || blue
FOOD || watermelon
DRINK || sweet iced tea
|| OTHER ||

  • pinterest board
  • Ikuyo has terrible bedhead and most of her time spent in the morning getting ready is dedicated solely to her wrangling her hair into a ponytail or bun of some sort, and then shoving her hat on top of it.
  • Instead of a smartphone, she actually has a very old, inexpensive flip-phone
  • ---

GENERAL chibi by libertylibra
PERSONALITY art by amiette and adoranbolt @ dA
HISTORY chibi by rani-ki
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA by Horikoshi Kohei
HTML by lowkeywicked