Heatherhop (Heatherhop (Alt))



1 year, 4 months ago


Heatherhop Cheerful . Hopeless-Romantic . Air-Headed

│NAME Heatherhop

│Gender Trans-Male

│Affiliations (current) MoorClan

│Affiliations (past) MoorClan

│Rank Hunter

│Age 30

│Status alive

│Cause of death --

│Voice claim


Over and over, they call us their friends Can't we find something else to pretend?


Heatherhop is an all around cheerful guy, who seems to always have a smile on his face and is ready to talk to just about everyone and anyone. He's happiest when he's thise making othiss feel happy. He can be seen as being a little intrusive as he will go out of his way to find out what's wrong with someone and try to make them feel better. He's yet to learn that maybe it's ok for othis's to feel down.

But Heathis is known for his clingy attitude. Once he finds someone he's near and dear to, he won't let them go. He struggles with the idea that he doesn't need to be with them 24/7. He tries his best. It's hard. He's seen as a bit of an air-head and a dreamer and loves to talk with othis cats talking about toms and giggling like a school girl.


  • Heatherhop was going to be in a forbidden relationship before the cat he was persuing this with told him his true feelings.
  • Heatherhop is scared of falling in love again and having his heart broken, but he can't help falling head over heels for someone.
  • Heathis will down play their own concerns and problems, often prioritising othiss.

Positive Traits

  • Cheerful
  • Sociable
  • Intelligent

Neutral Traits

  • Sociable
  • Hopeless-Romantic
  • Air-Headed

Negative Traits

  • Clingy
  • Passive
  • Whimsical



Recluse Charming

Cowardly Brave

Greedy Charitable

Deceitful Sincere

Lazy Diligent

Serious Playful

Naive Perceptive

Smug Humble

Meek Bold

Foolish Intelligent

Logical Creative

Crueliy Compassion

Follower Leader

Chaotic Lawful

Grouchy Coolheaded


  • Being with othiss
  • Gossip
  • Running along the moors
  • A nice cool breeze
  • Rabbit


  • Battle
  • Mud
  • Owls
  • Thunder
  • Rain and getting Wet

Design note

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Heatherkit was born in the MoorClan Nursery to his Mother Petalflame and his Father Hatchtooth. Even from a young kit his parents would tell the story of how they met, it was almost like it could only be fiction itself. The two of them met eachother as apprentices, and they were almost inseperable from then on, till their warriorship, till their Mateship and now their Parenthood. And even after that the two still were hopelessly in love. Heatherkit could and would listen to them tell this story over and over again, dreaming he too would have a story like that.

Heatherkit was born along sider his brothis Nettlekit. The two were close, despite their differences. Their whole family was close, all four of them. Not only that but their family was close to anothis family. Two mollies and a young kit, his father having been a donner to the mollies. Their names, Aspeneyes, Meadownose and Starlingkit.

Starlingkit was a moon older then Heatherkit, but with their families so close it was only a matter of time before Heather and Starling would become best friends. When Heatherkit wasn't with his family, he was with Starlingkit, playing games and exploring the camp. Often allowing Nettlekit to tag along, until he too make his own friends, then before long, Nettlekit, Heatherkit, Starlingkit and then Nettle's best friend Cloverpaw all became a close friend group. Starlingkit was always Heatherkit's best friend, but he still found himself close to the other two. And the four of them would spend all their time together.


Six moons had passed. A moon after Starlingkit had become Starlingpaw. Cloverpaw was a moon older than Starlingpaw, two moons older than Nettle and Heatherkit. With that all four of the friends were looking forward to staying in the same den together, training to become warriors together.

Beforelong, it was finally time for Nettlekit and Heatherkit to become apprentices. Then and there another cat approached Heatherpaw, Stormsnow, a tall and slim tom. he'd seen him around often with a goofy smile on his face. his mentor who was going to train his to become a hunter of MoorClan. Ready to begin his training with his mentor and his friends.

Heatherpaw, Nettlepaw, Starlingpaw and Cloverpaw, all continued to train to become warriors. Heatherpaw training to be a Hunter, Nettlepaw and Starlingpaw training to be Tunnellers and Cloverpaw training to be a Guard.

At one of the gatherings Heatherpaw went on when Heatherpaw was on. his mentor and some othis cats came across another group of cats. GladeClanners. And in that group of cats thise was another apprentice, a tom, who looked to be pretty much the same age as his. The group exchanged some polite words, but Heatherpaw found himself focused on the othis apprentice. And he had his attention on his. It was that gaze that brought the two to meet each othis again, again and again. There he'd learn that the apprentice was called Jaypaw.

Throughout Heatherpaw's training, he spent as often as he could to go to the gathering place, to visit Jaypaw. There were times when Jaypaw wouldn't meet him. But he still went to visit as often as he could. Although it wasn't long before Starlingpaw noticed something was off about Heatherpaw. With them two being so close it didn't take long before Starlingpaw confronted him and with Heatherpaw and Starlingpaw being so close Heatherpaw told him then and there. As he told his friend about Jaypaw, Starlingpaw could see how Heatherpaw thought about the GladeClan tom. It was as clear as day, that Heatherpaw had a crush on that tom. While Starlingpaw was distraught about her friend's choices, she vowed to keep her friend's secret.


As both Nettlepaw and Heatherpaw finished their training they were merely counting down the days till their warriorship ceremony, they had already watched as their friends became warriors, just before them. Cloverpaw becoming Cloverblaze. Starlingpaw earning the name Starlingleap. The four young cats waited with antisepation for the last two of their group to become warriors with them.

Luckily Nettlepaw and Heatherpaw didn't have to wait too long. As it was their turn to become warriors within a matter of days. Nettlepaw earning Nettlejaw and Heatherpaw earning Heatherhop. They'd stand listening as their clan mates would call out their names, watching as their parent's eyes would shine with pride, as their friends were ready to greet them into their new den. And Silently Heatherhop was looking forward to his next chance to see Jaypaw, so he could tell him of their news. he wondered if he earnt his name.

After a couple of days Heatherhop took the chance to go and see Jaypaw, as sunset would fall, he'd soon make it to the gathering place, and thise he was. Jaypaw. He looked just as amazing as Heatherhop ever saw him. Although to outside eyes they may say he seemed like he didn't really want to be thise, like he had better things to do. As he'd approach it'd only be a matter of moments before he'd announce he was a warrior now, he, he gave his a curt congrats, and announced he too was a warrior now, Jaylight. With them both being warriors, Heatherhop quickly announced that he should join MoorClan with his, so they could be together. He refused. Heatherhop was confused and hurt, didn't he love him like he loved him? Maybe he was scared of leaving his family and friends. So he then suggested he would join his clan, again, he refused. Still hurt and confused, he accepted his choices...for now. Although that didn't stop the two of them from meeting, and every time they'd meet he'd bring up the same suggestions, only to be met with the same refusal.

After some time it was becoming obvious that something was up with Heatherhop, it was obvious to his clan mates, his family and especially his friends. Starlingleap having a idea of what could be the matter. As Starling approached Heather, Heatherhop almost instantly told him everything, how he wasn't even sure if Jaylight really loved him as much as he loved him...if at all. Starlingleap was rather blunt on the matter, saying he had to just stop, that he shouldn't wait for him to make his mind up any more. It was hard for Heatherhop to take in, but he knew his friend was right, so Heatherhop stopped heading to the gathering place to meet the GladeClanner for a while.

The past couple of moons was hard for Heatherhop, he was struggling to keep his mind off of Jaylight, again it was easy for everyone to see his mood. Although as time passed Heatherhop's mood started to brighten up and he started to get back into his duties completely once more, truly back to being his old self. At some points even seeing Jaylight, although neither one of them exchanged a word from one anothis.


Petalflame is what Heatherhop would call an ideal mother and honestly is Heatherhop's idol. Heatherhop would do anything to make sure his mother was always happy as she could be. But he knows that his father does that for her.

Heatherhop thinks is father is just fantastic! Everything his father does he does it with pride and love. Heather believes that his parents have #relationshipgoals and one day dreams to have a relationship even half as good!


Heatherhop is pretty close with Nettlejaw still, While they aren't constantly together any more, they still find the time to spend with one another and the rest of the friend group.

Starlingleap is Heatherhop's best friend and half sister. They are almost inseperable, unless they are on their duties. While Heatherhop wishes Starling became a hunter like himself, he also cannot see her doing anything other than tunnelling, it's what makes her happy. And that makes Heather Happy. Heather and Starling tell eachother everything, and Heather often goes to Starling for advice.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Cloverblaze is Nettlejaw's best friend and certainly one of Heatherhop's friends. Cloverblaze is a bit of a prankster and loves to tease, but she's certainly got a heart of gold. Heather often teases Nettlejaw and Cloverblaze, saying they're totally going to get together. Often they both push Heatherhop away.

Jaylight, former crush to Heatherhop. Heatherhop was previously in love with Jaylight, before the two split. He wouldn't lie and say that Jaylight didn't break his heart. But now Heather also realises quite what a mistake it would of been to be with Jaylight. He pretends he doesn't think about Jaylight anymore, but there are times thoughts about the tom creep back.