Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

No one even reads these but idc 

(I'm horrible at social interaction so sorry in advance)

Hello, Welcome to my page. Now I'm sure that everyone wants to see some cool art and interesting characters but I must warn you my page does contain some of these topics, plz read through them 

Abuse/neglect, suicide mentions,heavy gore,traumatic events mass murder and crimes such as arson, VERY bright colors, religious trauma and imagery characters  

All of my character I'll try to add warnings if they need any 

Yeah, thats all of them that I can think about at the moment so anyways, heres a few rules for my page:

swearing is okay just don't ever say any slurs on my page,don't sexualize gore (it makes me super uncomfortable),add tonetags when talking if you're not a friend, don't be homophobic, transphobic, or say anything bad about the LGBTQ+ community, don't be racist or sexist, P3d0philia and z00ph1lia will not be tolerated on my page at all., any jokes about anything border-lining S3xual assault. Just be a decent person <3 also, If you're under twelve get off my page, My content is not made for kids and I have bad experiences with children online.

I’ve literally never met a homophobe on here and I hope I never will. Literally almost all of my characters are gay 

Some are more serious than others but I will still block you for a selected amount of time.  

I'm a minor (14-17) so please just dont be doing anything that you'll regret later. Now with all that out of the way please, enjoy my page!  

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

WOAH! Let me stop you right there! Before you proceed on this character's profile please make sure that you know and accept the fact that this page has some sensitive topics to it!

Charlie is a fallen angel and her story depicts murder, abuse, and kidnapping/stalking please keep that in mind while you read her bio or look at her profile. Anyways, enjoy!

I DO NOT condone any of my ocs actions!

shes also kinda cringe (I made her when I was like twelve shut up)

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