☆ Momo



2 years, 13 days ago



Name Momo

Pronouns he/him

Age ~200 years (appears about 15-17)

Birthday aug 28

Gender cis-male

Orientation aro/ace

Height 6'4"

Species half demon/human

Voice Claim tba


  • cherry blossom season
  • bunnies and small creatures
  • tea ceremonies
  • japanese calligraphy

  • being called "O-momo." The prefix "O-" generally was only used as an endearing term for girls around the Edo period, so he thinks it's quite outdated and embarrassing.
  • the colour of his hair. reminds him of his mom and the colour of blood
  • lazy people, bums, and those who dont work hard
  • ink stains on his sleeves and hakama

  • was named "momo" (peach in japanese) by kio because his face is always flushed pink like a peach
  • half demon. got canines, horn, and tongue ripped out because he bit the demons that took care of him as a child
  • has inhuman strength that he still can't quite control
  • cant pronounce words, so he doesnt talk in full sentences. he usually grunts, hums, nods, or uses gestures (doesnt know sign language because he doesnt really hang around humans too much)
  • the errand boy of kio's shrine. he maintains the cleanliness of the usagi shrine and attends to matters involving the human world in kio's stead. he usually is also stuck cleaning up after rangi's pranks










  • a diligent and hard worker
  • tries his best to be gentle around humans and small creatures
  • skilled with his hands. does a lot of odd jobs around town
  • polite with very good manners. older people around town adore him

  • very skittish around strangers
  • has trouble controlling his strength. breaks a lot of things on accident
  • can't handle strong emotions well. tends to spiral and self destruct
  • stubborn to change and doesnt handle new things well

Momo is a young half demon who grew up feeling isolated from both the world of demons and humans. He is a reclusive boy that is afraid to open up to anyone in fear that he'll be abandoned like he has in the past. Although he has quite a gloomy aura, his serious temperment and gentle attitude/actions towards others tend to attract the romantic attention of others (mainly young girls), much to his dismay. Momo's strengths lie in his hard-working character, his work ethic manifests through the spotless shrine he meticulously upkeeps.

Timid in nature and quite nervous around others, Momo keeps to himself out of caution and fear yet can't help but to treat others gently. He is inherently afraid of being hurt, but also fears he might hurt others as he's not entirely human, nor quite fully demon either. A lot of his fears are deeply rooted from his past, so he takes it upon himself to isolate himself from others as he feels like he doesn't belong in either the demon or human world.



Momo was born to a widowed human mother during the later half of the Edo period, Japan. His mother died giving birth to a son who was neither quite human nor demon, but somewhere in the realm inbetween. A group of demons found him abandoned, lingering in the hut with his mother's lifeless body. Taking pity on the child, they took Momo in, assuming he would grow and remain in the domain of demons.

The group of demons raised Momo as their own, until he bit one of the demons while throwing a tantrum. Realizing at that moment that Momo harbored human emotions and was capable of using his inhuman strength to act on them, his caretakers decided he was unfit for the demon world. They punished him by ripping off his horn and removing his tongue and canines, banishing him from ever coexisting with demons again.

Working at the Usagi Shrine

After being discarded from the demon world, Momo was thrown to the human world to fend for himself. Left traumatized and unable to speak, he wandered the thick woods until he stumbled upon a shrine hidden in the mountains. It was there where he met the god of the shrine, Kio, who was famous for being a prolific match-making god with a stuck up attitude. Kio decided to take Momo in, their reasoning being that the shrine was quite lonely, being isolated in the mountains. It was then that he received his name, "Momo," a sentiment that bound the two together.

Though their relationship started out rocky, with Momo being withdrawn and prone to meltdowns and destructive behaviour, Kio diligently raised him with a gentle hand and never asked about his past, missing horn, or his inability to speak. As Momo grew up, Kio took on the role of a caretaker, taking it upon themself to educate, raise, and guide Momo into a world meant for humans. He now works at the Usagi Shrine that he grew up in, attentively upkeeping its sacred grounds.

Relationship with Humans

Momo never really grew up around humans, but had heard of their complicated nature through Kio's story telling. He is quite nervous around humans, especially around children and women because he can't control his strength well. He does find them quite cute, however, fond of the elders that fawn over him and those who earnestly vist and pray at the shrine.


Kio Caretaker

Kio is essentially like a parent to Momo. Although their relationship started from a complicated past, Momo is very attached to Kio and respects them a lot. Kio gave Momo his name, and therefore a purpose in a world that shunned him. Kio treats Momo like their own and refers to him with much affection, using the endearing nickname, "Omomo" (which Momo hates).

Rangi Friend(?)

Momo grew up with Rangi as a constant in his life, always making a mess at the shrine that he has to clean up. He views Rangi as a general headache, but respects their work as a demi-god and generally gets along with them simply out of obligation. Rangi loves to tease Momo on just about anything, but mostly mimics Kio's nickname for him, "Omomo."


  • has long, straight hair that he typically keeps tied up due to his work, but can be drawn in any style! when tied up, he always wears a green hair tie
  • scar on his forehead from when his horn was ripped out. he also has no tongue and has missing canines
  • he usually wears his shrine uniform (high collared work shirt with a hakama) and is quite uncomfortable in western clothing, but feel free to switch up his style!
  • his eyebrows are always tilted in a kind of "worried" expression
  • momo's spotify playlist

EYES dark brown

HAIR red