
Dee, Zombie




  • his name, Dee, may be short for "Decay". it's also one of the few sounds he really makes so it checks out
  • lives in a post-apocalyptic wasteland... or rather exists, as he is technically no longer living
  • was already alive, actually alive, before the disaster hit and was right within one of the epi-centers
  • how did he survive, you ask? well... he did not. sort of
  • he died initially, his corpse becoming one with the environment, rotting away
  • however, after a while he just... woke up again, feeling a little confused but otherwise fine
  • he isn't actually fine, of course. most of his body is missing and has been replaced with fungi, moss and other things
  • it actually may be a fungus' fault that he is still roaming around
  • no one is really sure, however, as no one really stays long enough to find out
  • most of the time he is fairly harmless, he just stands there, stinks up the place and makes creepy noises
  • or moves around at a speed a sloth would get jealous of
  • when he gets hungry, however, he turns a little different: within seconds, he goes berserk and attacks someone
  • when his hunger is stilled he quickly goes back to be his usual self
  • countless survivors have already tried to end him, but there is something about Dee that simply refuses to bite the dust