


6 years, 4 months ago


Standard World: Earthgiphy.gif"This world is the closest to normal Earth. This is the world that relies on mostly realism with a lot of influence from the supernatural or divine. This world contains humans, variant humans, angels, demons, and ghosts."
Standard World: Carver's ???tumblr_o8cj0eqZYP1rfx24fo1_500.gif
"Hm? What's that look for?
It's Just a wellness center."

Heather |  | 25 years | 5'5 | ISFJ| Human| Masseuse/Missionary


   History and Current Whereabouts   
Heather always had a life in the church, and cannot remember much more than that. She is a recovering amnesiac who was taken in before she decided to live the life of a nun after receiving so much kindness and listening to the teachings of the church that housed her. There's no one there that she became particularly close to, other than her God. But, there was another reason that she decided to stay with the church. Heather could see what wasn't visible to the human eye or plane. Ghosts, demons, angels- all were clear as day to her, and she interpreted them as hallicinations: signs she was sick. She delved into religion as a way to protect herself. Fearing even more for her health it was one winter near Christmas, Heather was out in a different town on a missionary trip where she met them. She felt ...drawn to them. This is what led her to move to the city and work full-time in the wellness center. Convinced she was sick she decided that it was the answer to all of her problems. Under their guidance, she receives a very specific treatment for her visions. However, the more she sees them, the more she starts to question the person she met.


Heather is about average height for a girl, with skin that is pale all over. It is evident that she rarely steps out. Her nails are long, and her face is generally round with soft features, the most notable being her big round eyes. She likes to keep a straight face, but often looks panicked, anxious, doe-eyed, or worried. Her hair is curly, soft, and blonde and was often compared to being sheep-like. Her skin can sometimes have rashes over her hands and around her mouth when she finds herself in the presence of unearthly beings. She also gets frequent nosebleeds around these beings. Still dedicated to missionary work, healther will sport the robes of her previous church most often. These robes are cream colored, in contrast to the usual black that nuns wear. The gown has a white collar, and long sleeves with frills at the hem. The skirt hugs her legs a little, and she seems to wear a black turtle neck with a matching pair of black socks underneath the outfit. She wears a nun cap with the outfit that is also cream colored. Her outfit is finished off with a thin, black lace bow at the collar.

She usually stands slightly hunched, as if she's trying to hide or afraid to be seen. But, she will straighten herself when she is being attentive. A lot of people describe that she has a 'pure' aura about her, since she almost looks completely white. In uniform at the wellness center, she will be a bit more casual. 

  • Her voice is often shaking, but clear.
  • She smells like dust and chamomile.
  • Her lip will sometimes have scars from excessive biting.
  • She has multiple light scars over her body. Unknown sources.


Heather is someone who usually keeps to herself, not because she doesn't like to talk or because she's quiet- but she always finds herself distrusting most people. With her amnesia, she knows it would be easy for someone to manipulate her and so she'd rather not get too close to anyone for now. She's very hospitable, always welcoming newcomers, and if she sees that someone is distressed she can't help but try to attempt making them feel better in little ways. To her, she's only known the church all her life, and dedicates herself to religion or certain beliefs. It is a slight obsession for her and she tends to keep this dedication to herself. The reason she took so much comfort in religion was because of her phobia of death. It scares her that she can see things that no one else can and so she took comfort in something she felt could protect her. Within the center, Heather will talk about what she sees... but never what she hears.

She doesn't like to give her opinion on things, rather going with what someone tells her or following the majority. She has a small fear of standing out, so she goes out of her way to be as plain as possible. She is apprehensive in what she was before she lost her memory and is scared of what she might have been. Obviously, in general, she is a very fearful and paranoid person.

Despite all of her shortcomings, Heather is reasonably intelligent and has an inexpicable knowledge of lot of world history, this extends into an impressive database of world religion. She's not entirely sure why she knows but assumes it had to do with her past life. Heather also has a knack to calm others with a simple touch, which lends into the profession she chose within the wellness center. She enjoys the small comfort of healping others since it helps to distract her from her many fears in life. At the same time, there is a part of Heather that wishes for greatly for someone to take the time and care to reach out and help her. 

  • She doesn't have a very good sense of humor. Rarely ever laughs.
  • She is always extremely alert
  • She is uncomfortable showing any skin.
  • She taps her nails on top of each other if she's idle.
  • She really likes potato salad.   

"Do you mind... if I come back with you?"

Before she lost her memory, Heather was an angel.

Where did her wings go? He would know.