Kalevi Santeri Elendar Lunetta



1 year, 7 months ago


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Kalevi Santeri Elendar Lunetta

Name Kalevi Santeri
Age 134
Class Swarmkeeper Ranger
Race Drow
Sexuality bisexual
Pronouns he / they
Role Protector of Valoa-Luola
Alignment neutral good

appearance notes
  • large, batlike ears
  • pupilless yellow eyes
  • lil fuzzy
  • almost always accompanied by fireflies
  • wears sheer, iridescent winglike cloak
  • wears a lot of sleeveless shirts
Reference Here

Kalevi Santeri Elendar Lunetta (34 BGW - 850 AGW) is most well-remembered as a member of Jaw Squadron, the contingent that destroyed the Tyrant's Throne during the God War. He is also one of the three spellcasters who cast the spell that destroyed the Throne, though this is hotly debated.

Kalevi is one of three founders of Valoa-Luola, along with Esteri Elendar and Tekla Lunetta.

He was known to be soft-spoken and selective with his inner circle. Drow who knew him when he was alive describe him as an excellent leader and tactician.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

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Kalevi was the first Swarmkeeper of Valoa-Luola, having bonded with the fireflies endemic to the cave.

They had a somewhat mututally beneficial relationship: Kalevi would help to provide consistent food and shelter for the fireflies, and the fireflies would aid him in battle. They had a very long partnership, and Kalevi would sometimes disappear to the grove to speak with them.


Kalevi was a highly skilled archer. He wielded an Oathbow.

Though he also trained soldiers in other disciplines, archery was always his strong suit.


Kalevi Santeri Elendar Lunetta was born in Sieni-Kaupunki, the largest of the original underground Drow cities.

Three decades after the God War started, Sieni-Kaupunki was overrun by Brightwalkers, and the Drow living there scattered across the continent. Kalevi Santeri, Esteri Elendar, and Tekla Lunetta, along with around 200 other Drow, traveled through the cave systems until they found the cavern where they would build Valoa-Luola.

Kalevi became the Protector of Valoa-Luola, along with Esteri as the Mage and Tekla as the Keeper, the three traditional roles of the Triumvirate system of Drow government. As protector, he was tasked with training the city's army and keeping up its defenses. There are a few Drow alive today who speak highly of his training skills.

A century into the God War, Kalevi volunteered to join the force heading to the Furrows to destroy Vedek's seat of power. He, along with Autumn Ruitheam, Briell, Vica, and Feldspar Aitsee travelled to the Jaw and destroyed the Tyrant's Throne, although Feldspar died during the battle.

After returning from the Jaw Squadron mission, Valoa-Luola grew to become a hub of trade and tourism. Autumn Ruitheam, a well known bard, would make frequent stops and eventually settled in the city.

Today, Valoa-Luola is the largest of the Drow settlements, and is inhabited by many races and cultures. The city is a hub for scholars interested in the Tyrant's Throne's destruction due to its closeness to two members of Jaw Squadron.


  • favorite breakfast is fantasy persimmons
  • very proud of his names-- insists on being called by all three to honor his "friends"
  • he's not much for social functions, but he's happy to be arm candy to his spouses
  • big fan of dwarven novelists

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Alignment neutral good

Wife ("friend")

Esteri is a powerful mage with a hefty dose of Wizard Hubris. She has a seemingly neverending font of passion for the arcane arts, and has a tendency to sequester herself in her lab working on her latest obsession. She's very passionate and spirited and has a razor-sharp wit. She doesn't hesitate to make her thoughts known.

Kalevi learned most of the spellcasting he knows alongside her. He genuinely believes that she is the smartest person in the world, and doesn't hesitate to tell her so. They work together creating magical defenses for V-L. Kalevi is always first to volunteer to be her guinea pig.

husband ("friend")

As the Keeper of Valoa-Luola, Tekla is highly skilled in dimplomacy and social matters. He's very good with words, sometimes to the point of speaking in poetic circles around what he really means. He's very emotionally intelligent and impossible to lie to. He tends to be quieter and take everything in, but he has a lot to say and will often debrief with Esteri or Kalevi to get his thoughts out.

He works closely with Kalevi, especially in training and taking care of army trainees. Tekla is really good at listening to people, and they can easily spiral into discussions that last for hours.


Fireflies live all around Valoa-Luola's cave, and Kalevi fostered a partnership with them as he grew as a ranger.

It's been said that the fireflies also refer to Kalevi as their partner... It's not like they're his friends, though. Don't be weird.


Autumn is the person who Kalevi was closest with after the Jaw Squadron mission. She would come visit often during her tours of the world, and she eventually decided to settle in Valoa-Luola.

They stayed close friends throughout the years, and Kalevi was a lifelong fan of her Bardic ventures.


Vica died barely a decade after the Jaw Squadron mission, so their friendship did not last as long as he would like. Both of them were busy leading their respective villages, but they reconvened when they could.

Kalevi respected her as a fellow leader and as a practicer of magic.


Briell settled down in Kamhous, fairly far from Valoa-Luola. They all tried their best to stay in touch and visit each other on occasion, though.

Briell has an incredibly admirable persistence and confidence.


34 BGW

  • Kalevi's birth

    Kalevi is born in Sieni-Kaupunki, a large underground drow city.

27 AGW

  • Destruction of Sieni-Kaupunki

    Brightwalkers overrun Sieni-Kaupunki, forcing residents to evacuate. Kalevi Santeri, Esteri Elendar, and Tekla Lunetta, along with about 200 other drow, make their way to the cave that would eventually become Valoa-Luola.

27-47 AGW

  • Contruction of Valoa-Luola

    Kalevi Santeri, Esteri Elendar, and Tekla Lunetta take up the three roles of Triumvirate leadership (Protector, Mage, Keeper, respectively) and build Valoa-Luola into a city.

52 AGW

  • Triumvirate gets Married

    Years after rebuilding the city together, with several years of peaceful co-leading, Kalevi, Esteri, and Tekla get married.

100 AGW

  • Destruction of the Tyrant's Throne

    The Jaw Squadron, a group made up of Kalevi Santeri Elendar Lunetta, Autumn Ruitheam, Briell, Vica, and Feldspar Aitsee, destroy the Tyrant's Throne in the Furrows. This is what most historians call the end of the God War.

850 AGW

  • Kalevi's Death

    Kalevi dies in Valoa-Luola.