Aiya Mizu's Comments

I'll take this cutie 💓 

Sure! May i dm u my paypal?

Yep yep ofc. I don't get paid till tonight or early torrow morning is that okay? Since I do buy from u on a weekly/monthly basis? 🥰💕💕🤣🤣🤣💕💕

KSJSNSKSN, its totally fine with me! 😂 thank you for being a loyal customer <3

I forgot to ask, should i put the adopt on hold for you? :0

Oh heck u right I completely forgot qwq thankkes for reminding me! I can send the $$ now but I also wa.t3d the white n blue devil boy

You can claim the devil boi too <3

2 Replies

would anyone in my th interest you? they are a big cutie!