'Princess' Aureole



1 year, 9 months ago


Name:  Name: Aureole ('a bright circle of light')

Gender: Female

Tribe: Skywing

Age: 28 HY

Appearance: 1.2x the average Skywing size. She is thinner boned than average with longer, thinner wings, allowing her to fly higher more quickly and pull off more difficult aerial maneuvers than most Skywings of her timeline. She is pale pinkish-red with a white underbelly, pale wings and darker, duller red topscales. She has a distinctive dull orange snout. She has soft light brown eyes.

Voice Claim: Alasie from the Ark Animated Series.

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Residence: Formerly her Timeline's Skywing Capital, The Nightless City. Currently Aureole lives in a small, humble home in SoA's Skywing Capital with Cordovan and Draussen the Skywings, either staying at home to assist the others with their projects, or doing her own work. She prefers to stay close to Draus & Cordovan so she rarely travels. They share a single bedroom, and Draus is always found at the core of their sleeping pile.

Rank/Occupation: Timelost Royalty, though she is completely unaware of her royal status both in her own timeline and in SoA, where she has no royal power anyways. Fur trader and leatherworker.

Abilities: Aureole is fireless. More agile in flight than typical Skywings. Aureole can talk to birds & understand their 'speech' thanks to an enchanted horn ring. She keeps this ability hidden from almost everyone except Cordovan (and Draussen in the future), whom she trusts with her life.

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Personality: Aureole is outwardly quiet and reserved when in the presence of strangers, but acts different with her wingsister Cordovan. When she's with her loved ones, she's much more playful, outgoing and teasing. She's generally peaceful, but isn't afraid to fight if she has to. Aureole loves to explore and fly, often flying as high as she can just for the thrill of it and because the quiet helps her think. She's pretty much a genius when it comes to flying and spatial awareness in the air. She is kind and rarely gets visibly mad, though those who know her well would be able to tell by the look in her eyes when she's angry. Aureole would 100% willingly destroy her wings to save an injured bird, as she believes that they are sentient and deserve to live their own lives just like herself. She is very self conscious about her snoring, but is a surprisingly quick runner and a pretty good swimmer. Aureole loves soup and knows how to make many amazing soups. Loves warm things. She likes knitting and is good at it. She steals all the blankets to make a big blanket nest for herself. She likes hot chocolate and most kinds of soup. She likes cooking, likes waking up early and is typically the first one in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. 

1. **Aerial Expertise:** Aureole's extensive experience and natural talent in flying make her a formidable force in the skies. Her agility, speed, and spatial awareness allow her to perform intricate aerial maneuvers with ease, surpassing the capabilities of most SkyWings.

2. **Communication with Birds:** Aureole's rare ability to talk to birds and understand their speech gives her a unique advantage in various situations. This allows her to gather information, form alliances, and navigate through the skies with the assistance of her avian companions.

3. **Resourcefulness & Adaptability:** Aureole's adaptability and resourcefulness shine in challenging situations. Whether it's exploring new territories, facing adversaries, or crafting solutions to problems, she can think on her wings and find creative ways to overcome obstacles. Aureole possesses a remarkable ability to adapt to new situations and environments quickly. Whether faced with unexpected challenges or changing circumstances, she demonstrates flexibility and resilience, often finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles.

4. **Expertise in Buissness:** As a fur trader & leatherworker, Aureole has honed her negotiation skills and developed a keen eye for quality pelts and leather products. Her shrewd business sense and knowledge of market trends enable her to strike lucrative deals and maximize profits in her trade ventures.

5. **Empathy:** Despite her reserved nature, Aureole has a deep sense of empathy and compassion towards others. She is attentive to the emotions and needs of those around her, offering support and understanding when they are going through difficult times. Her empathetic nature allows her to forge strong connections with others and provide valuable emotional support.

6. **Problem-Solving Skills:** Aureole is a natural problem-solver, with a keen analytical mind and a knack for finding creative solutions to complex problems. She approaches challenges with a methodical mindset, breaking down problems into manageable steps and considering various perspectives to identify the most effective course of action.

7. **Courage:** Despite her quiet demeanor, Aureole possesses a quiet inner strength and courage that enables her to confront fears and challenges head-on. She is not afraid to take risks or stand up for what she believes in, even in the face of adversity. Her bravery inspires others and allows her to face difficult situations with determination and resolve.

1. **Vulnerability to Cold:** Despite her SkyWing heritage, Aureole struggles to handle cold temperatures, which can impair her physical abilities and decrease her overall effectiveness in colder climates. While she's better at coping with the cold than her wingsister Cordovan, it remains a significant weakness.

2. **Limited Offensive Abilities:** Despite her proficiency in flying, Aureole lacks formidable offensive capabilities such as firebreath, relying primarily on her agility and evasion tactics to evade attacks. This vulnerability leaves her at a disadvantage in direct confrontations against opponents with stronger offensive capabilities.

3. **Perfectionism:** Aureole has a tendency towards perfectionism, always striving to excel in everything she does. While this drive pushes her to achieve great feats, it also places immense pressure on her mental well-being. She often sets unrealistically high standards for herself, leading to feelings of frustration and disappointment when she falls short of her own expectations.

4. **Overthinking:** Aureole has a tendency to overanalyze situations and dwell on past events, which can lead to excessive worrying and rumination. She often finds herself trapped in cycles of negative thought patterns, struggling to let go of perceived mistakes or uncertainties about the future. This tendency to overthink can paralyze her decision-making process and drain her mental energy.

5. **Insecurity in Relationships:** Despite her close bond with Cordovan and Draus, Aureole harbors deep-seated insecurities about her relationships with others. She fears abandonment and rejection, leading her to sometimes question the sincerity of her friends' affections or worry that she is a burden to those she cares about. This insecurity can create barriers to intimacy and trust, preventing her from fully opening up to others.

6. **Imposter Syndrome:** Despite her accomplishments, Aureole frequently experiences imposter syndrome, doubting her abilities and feeling like a fraud, particularly in situations where she is praised or recognized for her talents. This constant fear of being exposed as inadequate undermines her confidence and can hinder her from fully embracing her strengths.

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Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Polyromantic


-Adoptive Parents: (tbn)

Birth Parents: Ex-King Torrid & Ex-Queen Firebreak. She doesn't know much, if anything about them besides what the public in her timeline knows, Aureole has no idea they're her birth parents.

-Siblings: 'Princess' Arête (unknown bio sib, separated as hatchlings), Oriole (Adoptive younger brother).

-Wingsister: Cordovan. A 'Wingsibling' in her timeline are dragons who consider eachother extremely close/best friends, close enough to consider eachother siblings by vow and everything but blood. They were practically raised together from dragonethood.

-Draussen: A Skywing male from a separate timeline. Future romantic interest, currently a friend, acquaintance, buissness partner and housemate. They have an easygoing and endearing relationship. She helps calm him down when he's angry or upset and is comforted by his presence. She is sometimes playful and teasing with him. She loves snuggling with him for warmth. (Midnightmoonrunner's Oc)

Other:  Is the adoptive child of a decently rich family of fur traders & leatherworkers in her timeline's Sky Kingdom. Aureole doesn't know she's a princess from the former royal family before Queen Cardinalis took over. She has a friend/companion/wild pet oriole bird named Flicker. She strongly dislikes ravens, they always talk in riddles and like to trick others, at least in her experience. She finds ravens suuuuper annoying.

Aureole was raised in the Nightless City & Sky Kingdom. She met Cordovan when they were hatchlings, when the newly orphaned dragonet was placed in the same nest as Cordovan by a kindly servant named Spark for some much needed comfort. Spark managed to keep Aureole from being killed by claiming that Aureole was her sister the fur trader's daughter instead of the former Queen's daughter. The lie was believed, and that is how Aureole ended up living with the fur trader family. Spark kept an eye on Aureole from a distance after that, discreetly helping her out whenever she could, being loyal to the og royal family.

Aureole & Cordovan grew up together, running, flying, playing, exploring, doing pretty much everything together. Once they were old enough, they participated in the Great Wingrace. They each proved their worth and ability to help the tribe, so they were allowed to stay. As they grew, so did their hobbies, with Cordovan picking up tapestry weaving and Aureole learning fur trading & leatherworking from her parents.

Then the sisters were ripped from their timeline into one that was both familiar and strange. A few months after arriving in this strange new timeline, they met Draus the Skywing. Due to a misunderstanding where he thought Cordovan was trying to abduct Aureole, while Cordovan was trying to protect Aureole. Aureole resolved the misunderstanding and the trio ended up traveling around Pantala, then Pyrrhia together. 

They settled down in the Skywing capital and opened up a modest shop that sells furs, leatherworks, tapestries and woodcarvings. Aureole is a lighter sleeper than Cordovan & Draussen, so she likes to go on the occasional night flight by herself, but she doesn't like to stay out too long as it gets too cold for her.