Fynn Weiss Schwarz



6 years, 4 months ago


Fynn hails from Germany. From a young age he was basically raising his three younger siblings, who are triplets, all by himself. Their parents have severe issues that kept them from either caring about their 4 children at all or that just made them completely unfit to be parents. Fynn dropped out of school and started working whatever jobs he could find to pay him under the table. The money he saved up allowed him to flee with his siblings once he was 16 years old and they were all 8 years old. At first Fynn feared that their parents might come after them or call the police to get them back but neither event ever occurred. Fynn became very lucky when a kind young couple moved into the house right across the street from the apartment building Fynn and his siblings were living in at the time. The female neighbor noticed how hard Fynn was working and also noticed a lot of parents. One day she approached Fynn and asked him some questions which made him tense up into a defensive stance. Fynn basically said that he had saved himself and his triplet younger siblings from their unfit parents 3 years earlier. That and even back when they were younger he was basically raising them by himself already. The neighbor assured Fynn that she would never call the police on Fynn and that she would make sure her husband would never do that either. The day after Fynn turned 23 years old he was driving home from a long night shift at work when a drunk driver smashed head on into the hood of Fynn's car at a very high speed. The drunk driver ended up dying moments after the crash as he was ejected from his car due to not wearing a seat belt. In the accident Fynn's right arm became severed from below the elbow along with numerous other injuries. Despite wearing a seat belt the high speed of the crash still caused massive injuries, some some internal, and despite fighting as hard as he could Fynn wasn't able to hang on. His siblings were getting very worried when Fynn didn't get home so they turned on the news and found out about the car accident via the news. The oldest of the triplets went across the street and the female neighbor was able to find out about Fynn's death due to her husband having a higher ranking in local police. The female neighbor and her husband ended up taking in Fynn's triplet siblings. But ever since Fynn's death they've been very depressed and have a void in their hearts that will never be filled due to Fynn's death. Fynn was the only true kindness they had ever known. They can't exactly go to a licensed therapist or they'll be handed back to their birth parents that Fynn worked so hard to keep them safe from. Fynn is stuck on Earth and unable to move forward due to the dread he feels for not being able to protect and care for his siblings like he said he would. One some nights outside the home where Fynn's siblings are living now you'll hear a man crying tears of regret. That or hear the same man saying that he's sorry and that he will keep watching his siblings forever and ever. Some have even seen Fynn's ghost but only a few. Plus, once Fynn notices he's been spotted he'll make a quick getaway until he's able to cry further tears of regret in the shadows.