


1 year, 9 months ago


Full Name: Hilda

Age: Early 20s

Height: 6' 4"

Likes: Fish, sunshine, water, climbing, napping

Dislikes: Citrus, mushrooms, canines

Hilda has long fluffy black hair, upturned yellow-green eyes, thick eyebrows and a strong face. She is a jaguar beast-man and has both the ears and tail of a jaguar, she also has a large muscular build and body hair. She prefers to wear 80s hair-metal style clothes, lots of leather, animal print and metal studs.

She is very energetic and cheerful, she loves to speak her mind and assert herself no matter the social situation and is strong-willed and very confident but is also very blunt and lacks sensitivity, isn't very empathetic and is rather chaotic. She can be rather childish, the society she grew up in lacked a lot of social norms present in other communities, being rather primitive in nature, so it's not that she chooses to be immature or mean but that she just doesn't know what she says upsets people and tends to think that physical strength is the best way to solve any problem. She does treat her travels as if she's on vacation and has a very carefree and relaxed attitude towards other societies, not taking any one or anything too seriously.

She lived on a planet of beast-men who lived in clans divided by species, she was a strong warrior until she was exiled for interfering in another clans matter, where she was sent off world. However being completely unaware of wider society, the first thing she did when she stepped foot off world was attack a stranger for disrespecting her and she quickly ended up at a local jailhouse. Fortunately for her, she managed to catch the eye of Gerard, a traveling con-man who was arguing over a parking ticket, he quickly spun a story about her and how she was a troubled friend who just needed to get off-world back home. His story was believed and she was allowed to leave with him on the promise of not causing any more trouble for the locals. Quickly taken off-world she and Gerard got to talking and she was offered employment as a bodyguard for him, feeling some need to return the favour and intrigued by the concept of money and employment, she accepted.