Aaron [Cyberpunk]



1 year, 8 months ago



"Quote here..."
Name Aaron
Gendermale (he/him)
Height 169cm
Weight 78kg
Orientation biromantic, demisexual
Occupation mercenary
Nationality Argentinian
Relationship status taken
Design Notes
  • He's always getting himself into trouble so drawing him with extra scars is highly appreciated

Aaron is a very untrustful and vigilant person, though, very chaotic in his actions. It's hard to read his intentions sometimes as he can change his opinion or plans mid-sentence. It's easy to throw him off. He might appear rude and aggressive, sometimes without the intentions of doing so. He struggles with social interactions and always considered himself a misfit, but once he warms up to people and they get to know him better, he becomes very friendly, caring and loyal. He hides all of his insecurities behind aggression and rarely opens up, considers himself a loner even though he gets lonely often.

He sometimes likes to bother and annoy others just for fun (especially folks bigger than him), which led to him getting into trouble often. Though, he always finds a way out, either getting into fight or smoothly getting out of it.

  • Weapon of choice: Nokota D5 Copperhead
  • Vehicle of choice: Thorton Colby "Little Mule"
  • 169cm of pure rage
  • His car (named Valentina) is the dearest thing to him
  • His circle of friends is very narrow due to his specific nature
  • Good at repairing cars and fixing different tech, prefers to fix things once they break instead of buying new
  • Touch starved but will never admit it
  • Sometimes takes meds to calm down
  • Tends to overthink due to people not understanding him and him not understanding social cues
  • Swallows pills without water
  • Can't stay in one place for too long, enjoys going on a very long walks around Night City to get to know it's nooks and crannies
Cars, tinkering with electronics
Spicy food, physical touch, stargazing, roadtrips, long walks
Comments about his height, PDA, crowded and loud places

Aaron is a nomad that spent most of his childhood and teenage years moving from one place to another together with his family. They never stayed somewhere for too long, so he never had a proper place to call home. That was okay though, as he was used to that. As some things happened over time and their family started to fall, he decided to try his luck and move out to Night City on his own. Going from fixer to fixer, he became a mercenary trying to earn enough to start living in the city, quickly losing his first flat and having to live in a car for a period of time. Now, he's trying to find his place there, one he could finally call home, and searching for friends he could trust.


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