Versace 🌿's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

vhsdruid Global Rules

by owning my designs, you automatically agree to my terms of use even if you have neglected to read them. this applies to all designs i have created regardless of how they were acquired.

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PAYMENT (applies only if bought directly from me)

  • i accept payment through paypal. if you are unable to use paypal, please get in touch and we can discuss alternatives
  • payment must be upfront, i do not do holds unless i offered first
  • all sales are final, i do not do refunds or returns
  • i would strongly prefer you be 18 years or older to buy from me, and i may decline your payment if you are a minor
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  • designs are for personal use only.
  • you may change, edit, or alter the design in anyway you see fit. you do not need to ask permission to do so
  • you can make edits to reference art or the original design work
        - please be respectful in your edits. i would prefer marking edits or hue shifts as opposed to tracing my artwork for example, at least not without permission.
        - please do not make NSFW edits to my artwork if the original art is SFW (vice versa is fine)
  • ask for permission before using my designs for commercial use. this may incur additional terms of use (which will be discussed and agreed upon) and an additional fee, even if the design was not acquired via purchase.
  • do not use my designs to promote offensive, hurtful, or immoral content. this includes any sort of bigotry & things like pedophilia or zoophilia.
  • do not split up one character into multiple separate characters without permission. if done so, they cannot be sold separately under any circumstances.
  • i would strongly prefer you didnt use my designs for "fav farming" (like fav to enter raffles & similar)
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  • please provide me proper credit for the design where appropriate (my handle is always vhsdruid)
  • you may take credits for edits/alterations, but i must always be credited as the original designer regardless of how many alterations are made.

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  • you may resell, trade, or gift my designs as you please. you may do so after any length of time owning the design, it wont hurt my feelings.
  • i am very lax about resale price if you choose to do so, but:
        - please try to price fairly, accounting for the original value & acquired worth through commissioned or personal artwork
        - i would very much prefer you bought the design because you wanted it / thought you wanted it and not because you want to flip it
  • i will not get involved in ownership disputes that otherwise do not involve me
  • do not rehome designs that include NSFW artwork to minors unless the art is removed from the character's gallery first (i know they cant see it if their account settings are accurate, but just for my peace of mind please ♥)
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in severe breaches of my terms of use, i am allowed to revoke your rights to the design regardless of how they were acquired, without warning, & without compensation (this is unlikely to happen!).

if you need the character's permissions updated, just ask!