


6 years, 3 months ago


"Most people were unaffected by the giant sphere that descended into the city. I was not one of them. The sphere looked different to every one. In my case, its glassy insides were made of swirling rainbows, clouds and a blue as radiant as the sky. I was hypnotized. At first I only gazed at it on my path to college and back, then I'd spend the weekends as well, and then my evenings, and before I realized I'd lose the track on time and stare for days on end. 

The sphere had a strange energy emanating from it. It kept me healthy during all those hours wasted in front of it. Over time, it changed me. I slowly lost my humanity. At first it all seemed minor changes, my hair had turned blue, but when I accidentally cut myself I realized how far I was gone; my innards had become ribbons. I had no need for food or water, or even sleep. The sphere was nourishing me.

But for the world around it was the complete opposite. Plants died, elecricity stopped working, people were getting sick. Eventually everyone either left or died, and in the city only us, the chosen by the sphere, remained."