


1 year, 8 months ago


NAME Dusthop
AGE 68 Moons
GENDER Genderqueer [They]
BUILD Average

CLAN Bloomclan
ROLE Warrior
MENTOR Whistlenose
VOICE Molly Grue
ALIGNMENT True Neutral



Dusthop is your average Bloomclan warrior. They hunt, patrol, and do what is asked of them with average results. They often can be found either performing a task or people watching from afar. Not much can be said for anything notiable Dusthop has said or done. They simply follow the flow of the clan. There is nothing wrong with that. Their life is normal-ish. That is all they can ask for, truly.


  • Responsible
  • Polite
  • Calm
  • Impulsive
  • Disconnected
  • Nihilistic
  • Journey-Oriented
  • Blunt
  • Reserved
introverted extroverted
hostile friendly
apathetic empathetic
hasty patient
awkward charismatic
cowardly courageous
insecure confident
subservient authoritative
passive active



Dustkit and Flakekit were born to Ashleap and Swiftclaw, two average toms and devout believers in the Courts. They were happy to provide Bloomclan with future warriors and to raise a family. Dustkit doesn’t remember him besides the lack of warmth to their right side. Ashleap and Swiftclaw grieved for the loss of their son and pulled back emotionally for a time. It Dustkit unable to really process what happened, especially when Swiftclaw came back while Ashleap stuck to himself after losing Flakekit.


Dustpaw became an apprentice in an uneventful manner, but this briefly caught Ashspot’s attention. Thus marked Ashleap’ start of flighty treatment on Dustpaw’s life. Some days he would be supportive and involved and on other days he would walk right past Dustpaw without a word. This left Dustpaw feeling as if they were incomplete. What could they do to get him to stay? Or anyone, for that fact? Their interests never seemed to draw in others past regular conversation.. They tried to prove themself someone to see, both their father and to their clan. Every day was spent trying to hunt and provide for them. Though their skills were nothing special, their eagerness was alight behind their muted expression. Perhaps they could be a positive force and make a change…


TW: Depression and Suicidal Idealation

Dusthop, what a name. Ashleap didn't attend and Swiftclaw simply smiled. Cats cheered and moved on with empty eyes. After all, illness had struck Bloomclan and cats were dying. Dusthop was simply a note compared to the suffering around them. 15 moons old and Swiftclaw left them a coughing lump of fur. They could do nothing to stop the death- to get Ashleap to stick around- or to get anyone to see anything from them besides another face among many. But maybe things would get better, surely.

They did for a time. Life was normal, things carried on. Swiftclaw was gone and eventually Ashleap left to greener lands past Exile's End. This was fine. They never expected anything, anyways. What could they do to cause impact? Resigned to life, Dusthop accepted the fact their role to play is one of a background face. Nothing they do can make a change, so they won't do.

Good times, bad times, Cicadasun's fall and more. Dragonsun rises and surprisingly Stormrise takes on deputyship. It gives them a flicker of.. something, deep down, but Dusthop carries on. They pray to the Seelie Court a bit more than most, but otherwise they have done nothing of note in their life to further dwell on.

On an early Leafbare they met the spirit Lemonburn, a ghost that followed them onto the surface of Bloomclan's territory. Whispering taunts and jabs in their ear. Joining them a second shadow they hid well from their clanmates. Three moons later Bluejay, Wildpaw, and Darnerpaw joined them in being haunted. They have little in common with the other three cats. Bluejay avoids, Wildwind hisses, and Darnerwisp grows as any kit should. Dusthop slowly is consumed by their disillusionment with life itself. The Seelie Court crumbles slowly between these moons of hardly anything new. Their belief in fate shaken by Lemonburn being no more than a by chance encounter. Cats acting their roles with satisfaction while Dusthop is left in the winds. At 60 moons they decide that they must join the Seelie Court before it falls apart completely. They finished training an apprentice. They had done everything a warrior like themself was made for..

Mustardroot waits for them at Exile's End. They compare how each has something to live for, yet the other denies. A pitiful song and dance Dusthop knows will lead them to an End. If he can not find hope, how can they? As they two contemplate entering the fog, Lemonburn pleas with Dusthop to stay. He reminds them of a life worth living, stories do not define life and existence is worth it to simply be. Isn't it? As they stare into Mustardroot's gaze.. they decide to try once more. Together. Side by side they swallow down their emotions and return home. If not made for a role, what are they here for?


lore notes
  • Dusthop keeps their stage-performance Nihilistic views to themself.
  • Sometimes they forget to blink when people watching.
  • Does not talk to any 'flashy' cats.
  • Spends time alone patrolling the territory.
design notes
  • Dusthop is of average height and weight, has a somewhat lean build.
  • Chocolate ticked tabby!
  • Very short, firm hair. No tufts anywhere!
  • Don't make the ears too big. No accessories!
  • People Watching.
  • Ants.
  • Hunting.
  • Patrolling.
  • Cold weather.
  • Low prey pile.
  • Talking about themself.
  • Smell of clay.