Garyuu Ixen



6 years, 2 months ago


Garyuu is a nearly model example of a pure Western Red save for his unusually small size, and his lack of any spines or spikes. His horns and claws are made of an unusually hard material to help compensate for his soft underbelly. He has only one natural attack, a standard fire breath weapon. Something of a worry wort, Garyuu prefers a predictable lifestyle, and is easily prone to panic and anxiety when confronted with the unexpected. Despite this he has a love of the outdoors, and also likes doing random crafts and building projects.

He views Thrae as something of an old sister, and likes to tag along with her most days, given she prefers more quiet environments it's a nice match. Even so he will indulge Thurkear and his movie buff tendencies (provided there's no horror), and is prone to being dragged on random "adventures".