


6 years, 2 months ago


"Dortmunder" is an entity that exists somewhere between life and death. Often described as a Dracolich by surviving victims-- although this has not been confirmed-- it appears emaciated and endlessly ravenous. It is linked to a different dimension, and fully capable of creating portals to that world, often dragging individuals into its home before consuming them. It has also been encountered via magical means, most typically teleportation, travel between the planes, dream walking, and scrying. Some survivors even claim that successful escape results in vivid nightmares and visions sometimes lasting an entire lifetime, although it is unclear if the creature gains anything from the torment or consumption of prey in these encounters.

The creature deploys two different breath weapons. The hallucinogenic gas is meant to confuse and disorient victims, while the decaying gas causes necrosis and rust.

Its "true form" only exists in dreams and differing planes, as it defies most natural laws and logic. It takes what is known as the "world form" upon entering our world. Dortmunder is capable of incredible regeneration, and slaying its form in the mortal world only appears to result in sending it back to where it came from. It is unknown when or how the suture curse on its mouth appeared, but general speculation is that it was cast by one of its victims. The stitching has saved several lives, as the creature is forced to snap its bindings (and often mangle its own face) in order to fully open its mouth. This makes speech in our world difficult, although it is able to speak freely in dreams and the other planes via direct communication to the mind.