Tornadodust's Comments

I'd love to claim if the first offer falls off!

I'll keep this in mind & let you know if it does! :-D Thank you!!!

You were interested in them before, so I thought I'd let you know that they're up for offers^^

Oh thank you! How much were you looking for?

Ideally their full resale ($45) but I'd accept $30.

hmm, i sadly can't pay that much money atm, would you perhaps accept 20 usd and a chibi? 🤔🤔

Sure!! You can choose who you'd like to draw from either my Mains or Secondary folders. If that's too many to choose from I can let you know who to draw specifically, I just like to give multiple options when having someone draw for me. :)

6 Replies

I'd like to claim them^^

Awesome, thank you so much! Just send payment here, and I'll have it transferred to you! :-D


Got it! Thank you so much for buying! ☀️ The transfer should be sent now!