Evelyn The Sanitized Octoling



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info





Species:Octoling (Sanitized)


Job:Octarian Technician (formly),Kamabo Corporation Employee(semi),New Agent 3,


"LOOOOONG lore dump here this contain some spoilers form Octo Expansion"

Evelyn is an octoling whom along with her twin sister Ellien(agent 8) where Octarian technicians and where the younger sisters of there older elite octoling sisters who she was KIA during the event of splatoon and splatoon 2.they use to belive DJ Octavio that the inkling where evil and doom there species but when they witness the battle between the old agent 3 and octavio they start to doubt him.along with her sister and the reset of the Octarians begain to set there base in octo canyon and the duo notice that octavio wanted revenge on the new squidbeak splatoon that he was willing using his troops as cannon fider to reach his goal.when DJ Octavio kidnap callie and brainwashed her two decied along some of other octolings decied to leave the army and fight for there own.the twins wander into the deepsea metro and where there underware there where being watch by commander tartar just as the two found a way out there where cut off form each either.the two with not other way to get back to each other decied to venture in the deep in the metro to regroup but ellien was jump by agent 3 think she was a other octarian to ambush them (this is where octo expansion starts).evelyn encounter a facility started to walk into it hope founding a exit tho it but before she can walk any further she collapse on the floor and pass out unknowing she had a rare octoling octopus heart disease which she had for years but it started to grow.she later work up in a recover room where she meet some sanitized octolings in strange uniforms explain her condition and offer a way to help her hear problem terrfied she fled the room and hide in differet places to avoid her strange brethren whom only want to help.while all of this happen evelyn's twin sister ellien was completing tests to found a way out and found her missing sister.evelyn was able to remain undetected but her heart pain where getting worse then she notice her sister with off the hook fighting the NILS Statue in a monitor and made her mission to make way to sigal for help.after agent 8 defeated the stature and meet with off the hook the group received a distress signal with in the deepsea metro and ellien know it is her sisters and ask the group for there help to rescure her sister.evelyn then once again lost consciousness then when she woke up again she was in a other a recover room and notice one of her tentacles where neon blue color and she was wearing one of these odd uniforms that the strange octolings where wearing and the same friendly sanitized octolings from before came in the room to try explain what happen to her.out of nowere she attack them with a Kamabo Corporation octoshot and escape.evelyn's device that she use to send the distress signal was drop when she was found by these sanitized octoling and they did't notice it.ellien trace the signal to evelyn last know location and found it but also found a trail of sanitized ink footsteps leading to the room where evelyn was taken.upon the group notice alot of sanitized ink in the room with one sanitized octoling still alive and explain what happen here to the group that the sanitized octolings use the wrong batch of sanitized ink to save evelyn's life.they said they made in error in ink transparent and notice the ink was ment to be form increase in aggression from combat use and not the normal sanitized ink for non-combat situations but want to see if evelyn was okay.marina was able to locate evelyn in a test chamber and give ellien modfied sanitized ink to use calm her sister aggression.after a hard battle with her sister she mange nullfied the combat aggression of her sister.she was given the right doze this time and ellien was unware of her sister disease and wish should help her if she have know.evelyn come to and the reset of the group explain to evelyn what happen to her then all of sudden she ask to stay at this place as she said it start to feel like home as said she did't feel welcome with the octarian.she wave goodbye to her sister who she was headed for inkopolis and for few years later evelyn help keep the deepsea metro running until she decied to move on and head to the splatlands but kept the kamabo corporation uniform and kamabo octoshot as keepsakes this is where the story of splatoon 3 take place.