
1 year, 9 months ago



"She breaks the rules so you can see/She's wilder than you'll ever be..."
Name [Ramani Bontemps (nee Rajhal)]
Name Pronunciation [Rah-mah-nee]
Species [Bengal tiger]
Age [52]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Psychiatrist]
Residence [Manhattan, New York]
Status [Married]
Design Notes
  • Stripes are random, but generally follow the pattern of those of a Bengal tiger
  • Eyes and nose are gold
  • Stripes are gold
  • Main fur is deep blue
  • Pawpads are gold

Ramani is highly intelligent, perceptive, and analytical. She is additionally kind-hearted, although this is not always readily apparent--she can come off as rather intimidating! Ramani is very loyal towards and protective of her loved ones. Those who gain her affection have also gained a formidable confidante. Theme song: Madeleine Peyroux--Blue Alert:


Ramani was born and raised in India, but dreamed of traveling abroad in order to further her education. She had assumed that this desire would remain a dream--that is, until she met her future husband, Delancey, who came to her neighborhood one day from the US in order to visit relatives. Ultimately, Ramani left India to move to Manhattan with Delancey, in time pursuing the education necessary to become a psychiatrist. Nowadays, Ramani loves her life--both professional and personal--and has many companions with which to share it.


Naomi is one of Ramani's husband Delancey's partners at the law firm where he works, and so he introduced her to Ramani. Ramani quickly developed respect for Naomi after seeing that she was not only a brilliant lawyer, but a compassionate and protective soul. Naomi similarly took notice of Ramani, and found her even more endearing when she realized that the two shared a love of trashy true crime TV! Ramani and Naomi are now friends, and each is instrumental in helping the other to unwind.


Charm is Naomi's life partner, and she therefore introduced them to Ramani. Ramani was pleased to discover that Charm was highly interested in mindfulness, which Ramani has studied extensively. Charm, in turn, saw Ramani as a potential mentor, and greatly admired her calm demeanor and sharp intellect. Ramani now enjoys discussing all manner of intellectual topics with Charm, and each feels that the other makes for a fine companion.


Delancey is Ramani's husband--she met him when she was living in India and Delancey was visiting family there, ultimately traveling back to Manhattan with Delancey to marry him. Ramani saw Delancey as a bit "slick" at first, but ultimately realized that he was also intelligent, fun-loving, and had a big heart, all traits which ultimately won her over. Delancey, for his part, fell for Ramani right away, and has been a devoted husband and partner to her from the start. Ramani, in turn, adores Delancey, and is especially grateful for his ability to keep her laughing.


Mickey is Ramani's husband Delancey's other partner at his law firm, and Delancey introduced him to Ramani. Almost right away, Mickey came to respect Ramani--he admired her sharp intellect and ability to manage her emotions. Ramani, in turn, was taken by Mickey's intense work ethic, determination, and kind heart. She currently does what she can to advise Mickey and to help him to manage his anxiety, for which he is very grateful.


Lara is Naomi's best friend outside of work, and she was the one who introduced Lara to Ramani. Ramani liked Lara early on--she took notice of Lara's brains, dedication to her work, and sharp sense of humor. Lara saw these qualities reflected in Ramani, as well, and also appreciated Ramani's Zen-like exterior. Currently, Ramani enjoys learning more about the political world from Lara, while Lara is glad for Ramani's anti-anxiety tips.