Akio Tsurai



6 years, 3 months ago


Akio Tsurai

Akio Tsurai
Male (Trans)
Lawful Neutral

"To truly live life properly, you must always be learning."

Akio is a hardworking wizard, with humble origins, employed by the royal university library, something he fought hard to achieve. He spends most of his time at work - staying far later than he's scheduled to and frequently working late into the night - or assisting Li Huang with his detective work. In his rare free time, he visits his sister, Suzu, and catches up on court gossip.


Late-night noodles
Frivolous fads

"Knowledge and hard work are the only ways to get ahead in this world."

Akio works hard, for both his own joy of learning and because he feels he has to prove himself worthy of the sacrifices his family made for his education.
He spends his days helping others learn and find information without judgement, but thinks that he's smarter than most of the people he meets.
While he doesn't technically work for the imperial detectives, his friendship with Li Huang has resulted in him assisting them with multiple cases.
Akio likes to pretend he doesn't care about frivolous things, but he (secretly) loves gossiping with Suzu.
He can be stubborn and look down people he's deemed unworthy of his respect (though he knows to keep his judgment to himself in professional settings).
Despite his somewhat standoffish attitude, Akio gets along well with most of his collegues and many of them would consider him a friend.




Infernal Legacy

Being a tiefling grants Akio skills like darkvision, a resistance to fire, and some extra spell casting abilities: the ability to fill an area with magical darkness and to retaliate to attacks with hellish flames.

Minor Alchemy

Akio can temporarily alter the physical properties of nonmagical objects. Using a special alchemical procedure, he can change them from one substance to another for a limited amount of time.

Transmuter's Stone

As part of his studies in transmutation magic, Akio can create a special stone that gives certain minor benefits to whoever possesses it. Benefits include darkvision, an increase in constitution, or resistance to certain damage types.


Wizard's Spellbook [spellcasting resource]

The result of years of study and work, Akio keeps this close by at all times. The outside is a bit weathered - he couldn't afford the nicest one when he was starting out - but the pages are meticulously researched and organized.

Compoents Pouch [necessary for spellcasting]

Akio's compenents pouch is neatly organized and contains just about everything he'd need to cast any spell in his spellbook. He keeps it tucked into one of his pockets for easy access.

Dagger (2) [small & sharp]

Every successful tiefling knows you should keep at least one knife on you all times just in case, and Akio is no exception. He has two small daggers: one is in an easy to reach pocket and the other is hidden deeper in his robes.

Parchment, bottles of ink, pens [wizarding accessories]

Even though these are readily available at his workplace, Akio likes to keep a few sheets of parchment and writing tools with him, just in case he needs to make note of something while he's out and about.



Akio grew up in a less than stellar area of a larger city- an enclave of tieflings and other minorities that most respectable people really wish would just...stay away from nice society. Despite of - or maybe even because of - his fairly humble beginnings, he always wanted to get out and go further. His two older siblings - Katsuo and Suzu - were each influential in their own ways. Katsuo was the black sheep of the family: a liar, cheater, and thief. He was always on the run from the law, behind bars more often than not. Suzu, on the other hand, decided that the solution was to not get caught doing questionably legal activities, and made her way as a much sought after escort, becoming the mistress of more than a few important noblemen in the capital. Akio saw what his older siblings were doing with their lives and decided that he was going to live a nice, respectable life and support himself legally. His family pooled what meager savings they had so that he could get an education, and he eventually made his way to the capital to further that education at a prestigious university there. In the capital, he lived with Suzu until he could afford to get his own lodgings, and earned himself an exclusive internship in the library.

Akio was a rarity - a nobody and a tiefling in such a high position was almost unheard of, but he was willing to work hard to prove his worth every step of the way. During his internship, he had a rather difficult patron foisted off on him (a common hazing for new interns). Imperial Detective Li Huang was known for his rather imposing attitude, but Akio found his directness easy to deal with instead of rudely brusque. Through his helpfulness, Akio helped Li Huang solve his current case, and it was the start of their friendship. Over the years, they grew very close, especially as Akio's eventual position as a full time library employee gave him more clearance to help Li Huang with his work.

Being on his own in the capital gave Akio a freedom and indepence he never quite had in his hometown, and years of studying magic theory gave him the ability to finally express who he was.



Li Huang

[ Friend and Colleague ]

Li is a valued friend and colleague, and Akio is always happy to see him. They've spent many long nights working together and then having late night noodles when most of the city is sleeping, and they tend to be each other's support and comfort in the midst of stress. Many of their friends and collegues think they're in a relationship, but neither of them have realized it yet (despite having more than a few drunken hookups).


Kichirou Tsurai

[ Younger Brother ]

Akio and Kichi have a tumultuous relationship, to put it mildly. They got along when they were very young, but as they grew up, it became obvious that their personalities clashed. While Akio finds order and seriousness comforting, Kichi would rather live a less constrictive life, and the two can't see how the other's way of life could possibly be correct. They're still quite similar, even if neither would ever admit it.


Suzu Tsurai

[ Older Sister ]

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Katsuo Tsurai

[ Older Brother ]

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