Serenity Leif



1 year, 7 months ago


Sorry, I can't hang out, I have too much to do tonight. I'm working 16 hours and I've already scheduled my free time between sleeping and Facetiming my boyfriend.
Serenity Leif
September 15th
Trans Female (she/her)
Dating (Shed)
Library Technician/Pizza Delivery/Odd Jobs
<- Click
  • Updating her journal
  • Rock and roll
  • Greenhouses
  • Baking
  • Miscommunication
  • Fish
  • Maxing out her minutes :(
  • Strong synthetic smells (gas, pesicide, etc)

People are very familiar with Serenity Leif, but it's mostly because she's always the one who is delivering pizza on Saturday nights. A hard working woman who strives to have all her ducks in a row, Tea does all she can to make ends meet at home while providing for her family. She works as a technician at the town's only library, the town's only pizza delivery girl, and any other jobs people post about on telephone poles and in the paper. It's all for her loved ones and snake babies, of course! Being a Gorgon, she currently has eight snakes in her hair, and wears tinted glasses as to not accidentally turn anyone to stone. She's had very few instances of this happening, at least!

Tea constantly hears from others that she's too uptight and serious, and needs to relax. If she was tipped delivering pizzas every time she's heard someone mumble under their breath when she turns her back, well... she wouldn't have to work two jobs. These comments don't bother Tea for the most part, because she knows she can unwind and let loose perfectly fine around the people she feels comfortable with. After all, these people haven't seen her have the fun she has with her boyfriend! Tea is head over heels, helplessly in love with her childhood friend turned boyfriend, Shed He-walk. Yes, the famous musician! She is endlessly supportive of his musical endeavours and all that he wants to do in life. Of course, no one believes that someone from a small town is dating someone as big as Shed He-walk, but Tea never did like the attention to begin with.

  • Snake names, from oldest to youngest: Monty, Petunia, Salad Dressing, Twilight, Adam, Red, David, Jason
  • The snakes can talk, but they pretty much only repeat phrases that have already been said.
  • Loves journaling and using planners. Collects stickers.
  • World's biggest sweet tooth. You cannot hide your chocolate from her.
  • Always cold when indoors so she owns a million blankets.
  • Loves rock and roll, and loves going to concerts. This woman is always found in the pit.



Shed He-walk

All the love in Tea's heart goes to Shed. Friends since they were young, Tea had a crush on him for a while before they actually started dating. She feels like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to date the love of her life. With Shed constantly producing music and touring, she tries to keep contact with him every night, but it's hard with her jobs and their varying schedules. Sometimes she feels like she's just not enough for him, and that the rockstar life will be more alluring than the small town girl at home. Regardless, Tea's worries are often slashed when she gets to talk to him. The two are inseparable when they are together.




Shed's sister that Tea gets along with pretty well, although she thinks Pasta is sometimes misguided and seeks entertainment in the wrong places. She sees Pasta as family and keeps her door open for Pasta when she's having trouble at home, while trying to give her advice on how to handle situations. They both enjoy playing board games together, especially Monopoly.

Acquaintance? Ex for sure


Benni Wiley

Tea knows Benni from high school, and perhaps, PERHAPS, they dated for a short time. That time was enough, Tea would say, and since high school they have crossed paths in different ways, but Tea is not that fond of him. Not only is Benni a little strange, he was a WILEY, one of the most influential names in town. Tea could never quite place the feeling she's gotten from the Wileys and the disappearances around town, but if she doesn't have to spend time with Benni - or any Wiley for that matter - she won't!

Library Friend



Whenever Tea is working at the library, she finds it hard to miss Cinna. The two were bound to talk with how much time they spent at the library, and Tea finds Cinna pleasant and a joy to talk to. She loves to recommend books to Cinna- whether they be for recreational reading or something deeper- and will always be an ear if Cinna has something to say about what she's researching. Tea will subtly leave treats for Cinna when she has leftovers.