Joji's Comments

I like lions


Thank you for joining the raffle !! 

I love snakes :D


Thank you for joining the raffle !! 

Favorite animal is a cats ♡


Thank you for joining the raffle !! 

dogs and ferrets :D


Thank you for joining the raffle !! 

Hello entering :D

Currently I love hedgehogs because I have a pet hedgehog (his name is shadow)

Favorited, followed Instagram(aen00n18255) , joined discord (dClutZ) and made a bulletin :)

Thank you so much for the opportunity and good luck to everyone else ^^

77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84

Thank you for joining the raffle and the support !! 🥺💞

Chickens or hedgehogs 


Thank you for joining the raffle !!

faved, my fav animal is the shark ! Also made a bulletin, followed on insta (same username as here) and joined the discord

68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75

Thank you for joining the raffle !! 🥺💞

Faved, my fav animal is shark and xsara_koricanx is my Instagram

64, 65, 66, 67

Thank you for joining the raffle !! 

faved, doeteef on insta,, and my fav animal may be a seal or a squirrel 

luci!#9494 on discord

was already followed on insta btw !!

56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63

Thank you for joining the raffle !! 🥺💞

Faved!!! I really like cats!! :]


Thank you for joining the raffle!! <33

Faved and I am already follong you on instagram (brookems20)! Also my favorite animals are stingrays and wolves!

51, 52, 53, 54

Thank you for joining the raffle!! :D

Faved! And I couldn't choose just one, but I really love bunnies,cats, and foxes :D


Thank you for joining the raffle!!

I love Foxes! And I've made this

Also my Instagram name in Concrete_banana and I am in discord as Greymatter

42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49

Thank you for joining the raffle and for the support !!

This user is not visible to guests.


Thank you for joining the raffle!!

faved! and i don't think i have a favorite, but i love komodo dragons and barn owls!


Thank you for joining the raffle!!

faved! And I'm already following on Insta! (SoaringLemmings!)

36, 37, 38, 39

Thank you for joining the raffle and for the follow !!

Faved and followed your insta! (my username is ghostly.arts) I also joined the Discord :] (My names Kanks on discord as well!) thank you for the opportunity!

29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

Thank you for joining the raffle and for the support !! <33

Favorite animal hm to be honest I can't think of one.

 Cappybara or OOo! The olm is really cool. And I love cats. But I really like all animals


Thank you for joining the raffle!!

faved, I am a huge animal fan so choosing a favorite is exceptionally hard, but a few I've seen recently is the new zealand falcon, the haasts eagle and ooo owls are always fantastic.

also alr following u on insta!

I really love this character btw, they are fantastic!

24, 25,26, 27

Thank you for joining another one of my raffle!! <33


My favorite animal is bats and cats.

Extra entries (optional) (bulletin)

Instagram: Dreadful_Banana

I joined the discord!

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Thank you for joining the raffle and for the support Dready !! <33


My favorite (non bug) animal is a hedgehog!

Also, already following ya on Instagram hehe Bubbly.x.Boo

And joined the discord!

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Thank you for joining the raffle!!


done!! my favorite animal is a hyena!! ^^ thanks for hosting :D


Thank you for joining the raffle!!

Done all!! My favorite animal are whale sharks >< 🌦

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Thank you for joining Froggy !! ❣️❣️

Thank you!