Crime Fukumoto



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Crime Fukumoto ( he/him ) 

— Human. Nineteen years old (19). 

Height: 5'8"

— An acquaintance of Lu's. Crime is the only survivor from a massive fire that broke out in his village, he believes that he's a ghost as a means to deny the reality of his survivor's guilt. Adopted by an old shrine lady at the age of 16, he goes by the last name Fukumoto. He works at the shrine and does part time at a local graveyard as a keeper.

He's a prankster (and occasionally does misdeeds) with a cynical view on society and life. He's also a pathological liar, he can't help it because cmawnnn he's a little guy, a silly guy, cmawnn. He has tons of haters with all of his pranks though, leading to a bunch of people storming the shrine to yell at the old lady for taking in such an awful person. He lies his way out because he needs this place, it's the only way he can live with himself and the only way the dead can stop clinging onto his clothes.

Crime is scared of fires and loud noises. 

"I'm already dead! You can't punish the dead!"