Pepper's Comments

Hey there~ I was curious if I could offer art for sweet Pepper~
I can do a half body if you're interested~
Here are a few examples of my work:
I do also have a few characters up for trade but I'm not entirely sure if I have any you'd like but feel free to take a gander too. I don't mind doing both a character and a piece of art for Pepper if that tickles your fancy~

If you can do 2 halfbodies then I’ll take the offer!

Oooooo~~ Yes please! I can do that~ 

Ooooo! I'm excited to draw Puppy~~ She is such a cutie!
Did you have any requests for the 2 half bodies? Like a pose or maybe a vibe?

Also, sorry for the slow reply. My internet was being so sassy yesterday lol

Nope you have artistic liberty!!