_TBN 047's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

monster-pawws Global Rules

-> if the character was given as a gift and you no longer want them (and they have no extra art), please dont resell them! just give them back to me

-> dont resell for more than originally bought, unless they have extra art (traditional art is worth something to me, just not much)

-> dont claim the art or character i made as your own (or anyones for that matter-)

-> please dont completely redesign the character you bought into a new one, you may redesign it, just not beyond recognition

-> please respect my other rules if i add any! i may ask for tradeback or asking before selling / trading. if you dont like these rules then i dont suggest buying my characters or adopts

-> please respect my dni list, my tos and my blacklist. please dont sell my designs to those on my black/graylist