Henry [Hank] Walter WIP



1 year, 8 months ago


Henry Walters hen ∙ ree

( Hank)

A moody bastard with a temper as hot as an open flame.

He doesn't have time for your silly antics, nor does he care to entertain them.

"Monsters aren't born, they're made.


  • horses: connects with horses more than people.
  • sweets: had a sweet tooth since he was little.
  • winter: reminds him of home.
  • napping: often naps on his breaks.


  • the dark: linked trauma.
  • hot weather: his body doesn't handle it well.
  • blizzards: links trauma.
  • chickens: bad memories thanks to Jacks.


  • sketching: usually sketches louie, don't tell him.
  • fishing: reminds him of good memories.
  • hunting: keeps his mind quiet.
  • journaling: helps him think things through.


  • quick draw: from all his outlaw years.
  • roping: came to him naturally years ago.
  • aim: lots and lots of experience.
  • tracking: got good when he lived in the wild.
Henry [Hank] Walters
nevada, USA
ranch hand
Frank & Nancy
rel. status
single [crushing]

Kate McCannon - Colter Wall

"What a spiteful Bastard" About

+ brave, confident, thorough
= grumpy, annoyed, tired
- trigger-happy, aggressive

There's a lot of things to Hank that make him quite the strange one on the ranch, though by a mile not the strangest of them all. He's somewhat known to be quite around the ranch, keeping to himself as much as he can to avoid getting angry and getting introuble, however, of course, this doesn't always work out for him. Around the ranch it's almost an unspoken rule to be careful while talking to Hank as you never know whats going to set him off. Due to all his awful life experience and his tough shell, he can sometimes unexpectedly blow up and get mad.

Although seemingly always mad, Hank does have his good moments. When surrounded by those he feels comfortable around he can become an almost completely different person, smiling and laughing, making jokes. It feels a little unreal to experience as it's a 180 from his usual behaviour, but play your cards right and he'll start caring. He is also naturally quite caring. He was a nice boy before Luther died, and he still has that in him, it just takes a lot of work to get it to show up. Either way, sometimes he'll turn around and help you, teach someone something new or with their work. However, he also does some of this while the boss is looking so many people think he's just trying to get some sort of raise... little do they know, he's trying to get a little more than a raise.

Because of the many father figures he's had in the past, Hank tends to take younger people under his wing to teach them a few things. He doesn't do it often and has only done it twice and will probably ever do it those two times, but it does show that he has compassion in his heart and the capacity to care and think about others. In a way he's trying to consistently be what he didn't have and to teach those who grew up in a similar situation as him the things they need to be able to survive on the plains and wilds when they need to.

He's got issues and he's trying to get over them. Just don't make him mad and you'll be fine.


  • tied up hair
  • stubble
  • long legs
  • lots and lots of scars from all sorts of things.

meta info

When coming up with Hank i had a very specific idea i wanted to draw out which was a musculy, lanky, screw-faced, bastard. I wanted a somwhat 'dorito' shape for his body to give him some interesting looks. I know that when i was designing what he wore i took a lot of inspiration from John Marston and Goldie from TGTBTU. I just wanted a design that stood out, made sense for the time and was very simple all at the same time. I think i achieved that decently.

outfits [+ aus]


Hank doesn't really have a fashion sense. He doesn't see a need for waist coats and shined shoes or the concept of fancy, gold pocket-watches. He much prefers things that are more practical and give him as much movement and comfort as possible. Anything good for the weather really.

Whilst working he makes sure to wear his usual clothes

at home
Anything really. He only sleeps in his cabin

at social events
He doesn't go, but if he did it'd be for a reason. So what ever they tell him to wear

clothing style

voice claim - John Ruth

the History of Hank walters

I past

"A mans past will follow him until the ends of the Earth."

It all started on a cold Wyoming morning. He was born weak to a weak mother. His mother, sadly, did not survive and it didn't look as if he would either. However, thanks to the knowledge that the gang had at the time, he was well looked after. Though, his father immediately detached himself from him, blaming him already at just a few minutes old for the death of the love of his life.

Growing up in a gang was extremely difficult for him, especially since where the gang was wandering around was known to be dangerous territory and incredibly wild, the gang almost constantly on edge for about five years of his life. However, Hank did have someone and his name was Luther. He was a native man who decided to look after the boy as it didn't look like Franklin was going to step up any time soon. He taught him to walk, talk, run, read, draw and more. He looked after him as if he were his own and they certainly had some sort of bond. But, on the other hand there was a man named Alfie who felt very different toward Hank. Many a time would Alfie agree with Franklin that Hank indeed was the reason of Nancy's death, solidifying that thought process in order to get in the leaders good books. Because he did all of this, Luther and Alfie often bumped heads as they had done for many a year before. Yet, as the winters got worse and the plans became less defined, mistakes started happening and things began to fall out of place.

The death of Luther was one that Hank wishes he could forget with every waking moment. They were up in the mountains of Idaho running away from bounties during a blizzard. They'd only been up there a few hours but already knew they'd need some place to hide away from the storm. As they hid a few of them left to scout for more places or somewhere better to stay once the storm passed over slightly. During this time Hank had gone to sleep, hiding away in the hayloft oft the barn they'd managed to get into. In a effort to get away, the ones left behind decided to run off anyway, packing up whilst the boy was asleep and getting the wagons ready before setting the place alight. He woke up to flames and screaming horses, immediately rushing to let the horses that were left behind out and swinging to himself on the back of one of them. He sent the horse, Marshall, galloping out of the barn and into the blizzard. In the pitch, freezing black, he tried to search for someone. Anyone. And eventually came across someone in the dark. He'd only noticed because the Clysdale had tripped. The body was that of Luther. He'd been shot in the back in the middle of the blizzard, his horse no where in sight. However, a light was visible, and as it came closer he could see it was his fathers. After grilling him on why he was out there, he gas lit him into thinking it wasn't Luther and lead Marshall and Hank away to start a new life. Just Frank, Hank and Alfie.

His teenage years were violent and as Hank puts it 'a blur', but it is when he met a man called George. George was picked up by the gang along with a guy called Ernest. They came as a pair and were rather odd together, but they ended up fitting in with no problem. However, because of Hanks outwardly anti-social and violent behaviour, George and Hank often had some sort of interaction each day. After about a month they ended up having not so aggressive conversations and started talking to one another more as friends which made George realise that the boy barely knew anything. Many-a-time he took him out to teach him things and spent quality time with him. He basically took over as a father for Frank because he genuinely enjoyed the company of the boy and felt like he definetly had potentional to be a good thief. Hank would usually spend time with both Ernest and George together as well, and now that he looks back on it he can see that they weren't just 'friends. However, either way they taught him a lot of morals and beliefs that have shaped him to be the man he is today. George's death changed him in a different way though and he quickly became sour after seeing the man he looked up to so much give his life up to save him, letting himself be left behind after getting shot and vowing to kill as many law as possible. What hurt most people throughout the camp, even some of the thoughest of hearts like Fred, was that Hank had called out dad as they dragged him away from George.

After his death Hank become awful and sour, cold and emotionless and almost like stone. He never left camp, stared off into the distance as he tried to ignore as many people as possible. People in the gang tried to help him, but it seemed that the only person that could get through to him was Ernest. Through that time they only really had each other, and used eachother as crutches to get over his death. It took a while and Ernest often had to stand up for Hank when he couldn't do it for himself which made their bond incredibly strong. Ernest knew that it was what George would've wanted him to do. It was around this time as well that Alfie had shot Marshall dead, saying that he was a waste of resources because he was an old horse and that broke Hank even more, the boy unconsolable for days on end. At some point while crossing over Utah Hank had tried to run away and got pretty far, at some point even thinking he'd managed to get away free with some help from Ernest. However, it didn't last too long as he was caught, and when he was caught he was dragged by his fathers horse until he passed out. He didn't wake up for at least two days.

Wasn't until his very early 20s when Jacks came to know Hank. By the time Jacks had met with him he was practically a hull of a man, no feelings, no thoughts, no personality. He dwelled on the past a lot and tended to zone out a lot. A majority of the gang used this to their advantage and got him to do a lot of very fucked up things without him fully being there to understand what he was originally getting himself into. Jacks made sure to straighten him out as much as he could, reteaching him some stuff and naturally just trying to be a decent person. They got along and began talking more simply because Hank had made him laugh, and upon hearing him belt out laughing, a small smile had crossed on the boys face, it being the first time he'd seen him smile since arriving. They spent a lot of time together, and although they were more disconnected than Hank was with George or Luther, Hank still considers him to be an important figure in his life. However, after Hank got Alfies brother killed, got found out for being gay and dating the local general stores son and being almost killed by Alfie, Jacks time was 'cut short' as he was left behind in a robbery which was all really just a ruse to get him arrested and hung.

After that the gang decided it needed to slipt. Hank regretfully not staying with his then boyfriend, the two making a promise to one another before leaving. The gang had withered thin since George's death and it was practically only a posse at this point, and so after some talking they joint up with another gang-- or that gang joint theirs. That's where Hank met Gabriel. There didn't exactly hit it off, they weren't friends, but they had the same ideals about their leaders. It didn't take long for Gabe, Ernest and Hank to come up with a plan to kill Frank, Hanks father, and ruin the gang for good so they could all split. When he did kill his father he made sure to split immediately and left behind him a confusing trail that would be hard to pin point and piece together. He travelled around for a few years, around four, visiting places where he grew up before getting lost in Nevada and finding the ranch. He thought it'd be a good place to lie low for a while.

II Present

"No one said that becoming someone new was going to be easy."

The beginning of staying at Shady Canyon Ranch was difficult. A week in he'd already got on everyones nerves and they'd gotten on his, showing his hot headed side so soon and struggling to keep his mouth tied shut. He didn't like the lead hand, he didn't like anyone else around him and he didn't like working with other people. In the end, Louie, the lead hand, just started making him fix and repain things, and making sure he did it alone. It was this that started to make calm down and mellow out more as he was more tired by the end of the day. With good behaviour he managed to get promoted some to watching cows and sheep and helping drive steer to be sold and moved. Slowly but surely he started becoming a more normal and calm person, but it wouldn't last for too long just as it never does.

There was more than a few times that hank got into an argument or a disagreement with someone and it ended in physical violence. It's also been the thing he'd immediately turned too when someone started to try and challenge him. This got him in trouble a good few times in the past with Louie but as he started to relax more he got away with it more, also getting better at lying and pointing the blame.

Hank kind of became more relaxed and a lot easier to talk to. He freaked out when Gabriel randomly appeared and admittedly tried to kill him more than a few times, but he ended up calming down. Through, after Louie came back from being gone for a couple of weeks and leaving him in charge, they did start getting along much better. For a while it just seemed as if they were no longer at eachothers throats 24/7, however as the weeks and months went on Hank slowly became softer and softer toward Louie and started listening to him more. This was so noticable that even people like Tom began to notice. However, when Jacks arrived all of that went straight out of the window and the man suddenly became incredibly stressed out, pushing himself from a lot of people for a few days before going back to normal as if nothing had every happened. It was odd behaviour and continues to be odd, but he doesn't seem to look like he's going to be changing any time soon.


cred - Slate




+ assertive
= calm
- stressed
At the very beginning he despised Louie. He absolutely hated him. He thought his voice was like nails on a chalkboard and found his insesent nagging annoying and infuriating. However, now he's been there for a while he's grown to like the man, finding out new things about him that he can relate to and like. In the end, now they're much closer, they have more to talk about and relate to. The bad side of that is Hank's beginning to get overly attached and want to spend more time that usual with him and it's becoming quite obvious to some that that's more than just a friendship...

"This place is starting to feel like a home and it feels strange to say that. If it weren't for him I think I would've left months ago."

Tom Epson


+ funny
= clumsy
- dumb as rocks
Hank sees Tom as some sort of son. It's a weird relationship as he's often screaming at him to do this, that and the other, but at the same time many see him putting in a lot of effort to make sure he understands things and catch him helping him with work. Hank will take Tom out on trips and spend time with him when he has any free just to chat and see what he's up to and if he's alright. He sees himself in him and is becoming a mix of the many men that helped to bring him up.

"I don't quite know. Part of me sees myself in him, but he also worries me with how clumsy he can be. Sometimes I think that boy is going get to get himself real hurt.

Gabriel Gonzalez

co-worker/old friend
They've known eachother for a while but were never really close until very recently. They're good friends now even though they don't act like it and often talk about 'the old days' in a cryptic and confusing way as to keep the whole thing underwraps still. They work well together and have a lot of shared skills and hobbies. He's one of the few people Hank can be paired with without needing some sort of supervision.

Albert Jackson

father figure
His last surviving father figure that isn't his actual father, who is also dead. Jacks set Hanks head back on his shoulders many, many years ago and suddenly 'died'. But he didn't... The whole thing was just a way to gain quick cash and get rid of a man who knew too much at the same time. Jacks has managed to track him down since then and they've reunited, however, with old friends, old scars are opened.

Charlie Doug

co-worker/love rival
If he could get just a few minutes alone with the bastard he'd give him a piece of his mind, though it looks like Louie keeps them apart at all times for that exact reason. Charlie is Hank but without the anger issues, although some would say that Charlie is far, far worse.

Alfie Grey

The man that single handedly ruined his entire life. The ends coming soon and Hank can feel the mans aura states away and it worries him. However, he knows theres nothing he can really do about it apart from wait. There's no point in running anymore, the best option is to turn and face your opponent head on.