Lark (Biography)



This character's profile is complete and up-to-date with all relevant information.

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Pronouns he/they
Gender male
Orientation Panromantic
Clan skyclan
Rank warrior
Species avian
Theme TBD

He is a typical red-winged blackbird with solid black feathers except for the red patches on each of his wings. In his feline form he is a little on the small side with large black feathered wings and a mottled orange and black pelt with golden eyes.


  • Shapeshift (feline)
  • wings (feline form)

A cheerful ray of sunshine who wants nothing more than to make friends with everyone he meets. That said he is very protective of his friends should harm come to any of them. He will often give shiny trinkets to his friends that he collects.

Speaking feline is his second language and he has a bit of an accent. He doesn't always understand how the clans work or the reasons they do things but he tries to fit in with them. He does as much as he can to contribute to the clan though he never will hunt birds. It makes him rather uncomfortable watching others do so or in eating them.

He struggles with his emotions and understanding ones like grief. After loosing his best friend Meadowsprite to a cougar he grew quite attatched to Lilystar, Windclan's leader. He looked up and admired her but after her death he had no one else to turn to and fled WindClan. It was in Skyclan that he finally found a place he belongs among their birds in the eyrie and finally opened his heart again. Though grief is something he more often burries than truely ever deals with.

His parents are unknown. His best friend was Meadowsprite (deceased) and his former mentor was Lilystar (deceased). He is currently bonded to Lostcreek (npc) .