Æ / Saika



2 years, 10 days ago


First things first, call her Æ. Saika is for very specific people, and if you have to ask, you aren't one of them.

Fate. Destiny. Foreordination. Whatever you want to call the notion that certain things are meant to happen. All of that is less than dust to Æ. She doesn't care what's 'supposed to happen', or what she 'isn't allowed to do'. If fate does exist, it's made by people, not some prophecy to be fulfilled.

Æ is a young, naïve little shark who is deeply curious about anything and everything she can get her hands on. Though, be careful if she's curious about you, because she tends to use her mouth. Don't judge her, it's a shark thing. Her eyes are seemingly always opened wide, taking in anything and everything she can. She's not inexperienced, not by any means, but she firmly believes that the world is full of surprises, and she's taken it upon herself to discover as many of them as she can.

She's developed a nasty habit of sneaking up on people, most of which do not take kindly to a sharky surprise, but she means well.

While she may not understand a lot about social cues, she does her best and tries to do right by herself, and if you ask her, that's what counts.