


1 year, 8 months ago


Also known by his moniker "Sandman", male (ftm), ??? years old, 197 cm tall

A high ranking dream reaper tasked with collecting the souls of those who will never wake up again, also gathers dreams as a side gig. Takes his job pretty seriously despite his relaxed disposition

Appears in the dreams of the person whose soul he's about to collect, always accompanied by a chill and deep fog. Frequently hums lullaby tunes while doing his job

Eerily calm most of the time, however most feel an odd, unseen pressure when around him despite his seemingly gentle mannerisms. Most people don't like spending too much time around him

Always speaks in a soft, quiet and sometimes monotone voice, one that lulls pretty much anyone to sleep if they spend too long listening to it

Like any Reaper has a special company issued watch that helps him stop and fast forward time to aid him in doing his job efficiently. His watch is silver and is engraved with an old poem

Spends most of his time between jobs asleep, either in his office or at home. His current living place is an abandoned clocktower that he renovated and turned into some fairly cozy lodgings

Seems to be unable to catch a break from his secretary, whose company, despite being overwhelming at times, he genuinely enjoys 

