
1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Noir

Nicknames: N/A

Species: Aasimar (Fallen)

Status: Fallen (Banished to the mortal plane for going against direct orders and trapped in stone)

Noir was the offspring of a Celestial and a mortal, created to fulfill a roll which they were trained for since their youth. Noir amongst a few other aasimars were selected for their skills and discipline to be trained as members of the royal guard. Once a powerful warrior, Noir was well respected amongst their peers and took their job very seriously, participating in battles for their leaders, killing on command.

That all changed when they met, her.

Ophelia, a human from the mortal plane. Noir had been sent on a mission to slaughter the members of a royal court on this world, one that had been causing issues for their celestial graces. They didn't know the details, they didn't need to know, all they had to do was fly down and slaughter some moral elites and come home but... They couldn't do it.

During their mission they entered the chamber belonging to the human princess, weapon primed and at the ready when they came face to face with the mortal woman. Usually when someone saw them they ran, screamed, coward, but not her. She turned towards them with glossy eyes staring towards them but not at them.The princess was blind. 

"Who's there?"

Noir would hesitate, fingers curled around their weapon as the woman stood, approaching them. For the first time in their life they felt... Conflicted. How could this human have possibly done something worthy of this divine justice? The woman stepped forward, her hands reaching before finding herself touching Noir's hands. Her hands were soft, and warm and Noir found their weapon dismissed as this strange human stood before her. 

"Uh.." Noir would find themselves at a loss for words, mind racing until the woman's hands found their face. Studying their features with her hands, her fingers gently caressing the wings that framed their face, so... Gently.

Noir's pale features would flush, staring at this human who showed no fear but awe. Their six wings would flutter softly at their backside, taken back by the woman's boldness. 

"You're... Beautiful" Noir's eyes would all snap open, shifting down towards the princess "I'm... What?" they would speak up finally, confused. They'd remove the woman's hands, stepping back slightly, no one had ever called them... Beautiful before. They shook their head, resummoning their weapon into their hands, they had an assignment, this woman... her family, every living soul in this court was to be eliminated. The princess, her people, surely they must have done something terrible to earn the attention of the high court!

But... They couldn't do it.

They couldn't bring themselves to hurt this woman.

"I'm sorry" they'd say before leaping from the balcony, taking to the skies to return to the celestial plane. Maybe if they knew more, if they got some answers, this would be easier? Maybe if they asked the right questions, the court would see that perhaps not Everyone in this place deserved to die? They were only mortals after all, how much trouble could they have possibly caused?

This... was a mistake.

Never before had a soldier dared to question the orders of their superiors, never had anyone Dared to consider their orders were Wrong. The high celestials were not to be questioned, and by doing so Noir had sealed their fate. They were labeled a traitor and sentenced to be banished to the mortal plane but they didn't go quietly. The high celestials had to be wrong if they were willing to go through all this just to silence them. They fought off several guards, ones who they had once called comrades, some of them they'd even called friends. They knew they wouldn't escape their fate but if they were going down they were going to make it difficult but in the end they were defeated.

All but two of their wings were torn from their body, the lowest being shredded beyond use and their eyes being stripped from their head to mirror the human who had caused their downfall. Chained to the ground around a stone slab they were stood upon Noir was turned to stone screaming, the world around them fading to black as time stood still. Chained and sealed to be trapped for all eternity.

Or so they thought...