Ally Star Cornelius (Ally Cornelius)



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Ally Star Cornelius




Non-binary girl






18 years old


Kittycorn (Unicorn-cat)







"The idea that WE are the ONLY LIFE in a universe full of aproximately 200 billion-trillion stars is just, so fucking stupid. It's like, there's NO WAY. There is most CERTAINLY LIFE OUT THERE, definitely, 100% real."

- Ally, The Crash Site


 Name Ally Star Cornelius
 Allotpun Alicorn
 Gender Non-binary girl
 Pronouns she/kit
 Age 18 years old
 Sexuality Bisexual
 Parents Barry & Uni
  • Howie
  • UFOlogy and sci-fi
  • Astronomy
  • Reading
  • Playing piano
  • Video games
  • Cogs
  • People being mean to Howie
  • Being lied to
  • Sly and Eve
  • Being insulted
  • Being embarrassed by Barry
  • Losing her temper
  • Losing control of kits magic


Ally Cornelius is the third eldest Cometkid in between Sly and Eve. She loves all things related to space, from sci-fi to astronomy. Kit has a strong sense of belonging among the stars because kit doesn't feel at home on Spinch, so she relates a lot to aliens and is very interested in UFOlogy and has a strong (coping) belief that there's life out there and it isn't far away. Her earliest feelings like this started when her father Barry told her about space as a child, and ever since then it's been a strong dream to go there.

Ally is usually nice to others, but kit can have a firey temper and gets mad easily, especially when others say things kit doesn't agree with or challenge her beliefs. When she's mad, she's explosive kind of literally - because it can make her lose control of her magic - lightning magic, specifically. Despite nobody else in her family having these powers, she hatched with them due to the fact there was a thunderstorm when she hatched, but the storm stopped after she broke out of her egg.

Ally has a rocky relationship with most of kits family - whether it's the way she argues with Sly and Eve or thinking Cream's childishness is something their parents enable and encourage. She's closest with her mother and father, though - even if her dad can be kind of embarrassing and weird sometimes, they share interests and have a lot to talk about. The person she respects most of all is Uni, though - and thinks she's kind of the foundation for the whole family, kind of keeping everyone else stable. The most important person in kits life is Howie, though - her childhood best friend turned boyfriend. The two of them are so inseparable that it's almost as if Howie lives with them essentially.



Ally is prone to losing her temper easily, especially when others don't believe the things she believes. She can be quick to shout and start arguments over seemingly insignificant things, at least in the eyes of others - because everything is a huge deal to kit - as she's very emotional.


Ally is always getting lost in her head, thinking all the time about various things, and it leaves her a bit out of touch with reality often. Her detachment from the real world is sometimes problematic for kit, even if it's just because her daily life is something she wants to escape from.


Despite being hot-headed about some things, when it comes to serious conversations or situations, Ally has really bad confrontation issues and struggles to talk about things. She's also not very good at sticking up for herself, which often leads to others walking all over kit.


The Thunderstorm

On the night Ally hatched, their parents knew she would be hatching soon - but there was a huge thunderstorm happening. They wanted to invite more people to see kit hatch, but not everyone could be there due to the frightening weather. Their parents were really frightened because the power went out in those last few hours, but when Ally hatched, suddenly... the storm just... stopped. It completely subsided. The power came back on and it was as if nothing had even happened. Later in life, Ally somehow developed the ability to control lightning, but it was very dangerous as she had poor control over it.

Starting Kindergarten

Can be read about here in detail in Best Friends Forever

When Ally started Kindergarten, she met Howie in her Kindergarten class. When they were making their desk nametags, kit wrote kits given name "AL" but because it didn't take up the whole space, she decided to write her name as "ALLY" and her classmate pointed out that being a girl's name, and Ally decided that must mean kit's a girl. She told her parents after school got out, and Uni was really emotional and happy that Ally wouldn't have to stay closeted for so many years like she did, and she sort of lives vicariously and proud through Ally for that reason, making sure she's always supported for who she is and never afraid to express kitself.

Home far away

When Ally was in elementary school, around 7 or 8 years old, Barry sat in the backyard with her one night and told her about space and everything in it. Ever since then, Ally had a huge fascination and appreciation for outer space, and even felt like her true home was somewhere out there. She came to believe she must be an alien, from some other world far away.

6042 school dance

When Howie and Ally were 14, Howie suggested that Ally go to the school dance with him since they had nobody else to go with, but as friends. They ended up going and it was a little weird, and after it ended they sat in the school halls together at night talking, where Ally asked Howie how pup felt about kit... genuinely. Howie panicked a little being put on the spot like that, but thankfully Ally fessed up her feelings, getting emotional, afraid of messing everything up when they were so close and always had been. Howie said he felt the same, and shared similar sentiments of not wanting to mess things up. Their relationship barely changed after that, they would just hold hands and kiss now.


Arc 2: The Crash Site

In the second arc, Ally and Howie go out into the East Eroid woods to the infamous location of the East Eroid incident in 6016, where a mysterious object allegedly crashed into the forest after strange lights were spotted all over the sky. She wants to investigate the crash site due to her interest in UFOlogy and wants to see if they can catch a glimpse of anything mysterious.