


1 year, 8 months ago


  1. I looked up to the stars in wonder
  2. How I wished we could see one another
  3. Closer together rather than divided by space
  4. I want to enjoy your never ending grace
  5. As time passes by you shine so brightly
  6. Even as the moon disappears on some nights
  7. You never fail to shine your beautiful light
  8. Even by day you shine up above
  9. Never failing to impress me
  10. When your light begins to glow too bright
  11. When the timer starters to near it’s end
  12. When you implode into endless rays
  13. You are still as gorgeous as you’ve ever been.

Poem by:  @LixxyIsLost

Theme song: Shooting Starfish- Spla2n

I thought the sign on their amulet and in their eyes could change as the time passes, according to the zodiac dates
Just an idea!

Axolotl zodiac lady!

Between I confused astrology and astronomy loolll, but I mean the 2nd one 

Instead of zodiac maybe 12 greek numbers as a representative of the 12 months I don't know? Or something like that

First names Zeke (shooting star) 

Delmar (of the sea). 

Last names Sirius Canopus (2 brightest stars) 

Titles: "Starry" nyx (starry night/noche estrellada) 

Guardian of the stars 

Variations for names Marie stelle/belle*/elle

Ocenia/Marina of the sea

She's part of a group of star-gazzers, thekr job is to accomodate stars into constellations, sometimes making shooting stars and watch as stars die. They normally don't interfere with them. They have powers of energy that they can absorb from stars, black holes, big red, white dwars etc. But their power limits in their bodies age, the younger, more powerful stars and if they use too much powers, it can weak them. 

She uses a bow and rope to make constellations, making them move like dominos as she walks on a sea of stars.

Their group is nomad so they don't see each other too much, she's a midly newbie and is judgemental too much on her own constelattions and abilities, but is full of hopes and innocence.

She got saddened the first time she saw a star die until it become a big red dwarf, it maked her feel hope that the stars could live on, even it its means in a different form, the same happens to people like her, made out of energy.

There are evil olders who will take the youngers energy too survive.

She likes the sea too since it reminds her of the galaxies, can breath underwater and contact animals, since she's a star-gazer sea axolotl  type

V2 a axolotl species splatoon oc who lives in the metro.

-other related charas:

A group of old stars who maked a one being to survive

A corrupted star sweet grandma is a corrupt stars killer to protect young ones. (Octoamazonas/starweb)

A star lord who is powerful and gets its energy from the sun, a little narcisist.

Her mentor

Whos the moon? Maybe a corrupted one who looks like it had hes own light when in reality it takes it from another being.