『🧨』Dynamite Man



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Serial Number

DCHN.001 / RLN.008


210cm (6'11'' ft)


Good Point: Outgoing
Bad Point: 
Nocturne Man

Dynamite Man was a robot given to Clover as a "gift", since its former owner, who was a relative of hers, no longer saw any use for him. What used to be an old robot used in mines, was now an explosive ordnance disposal specialist robot renewed by her and adopted as one more "creation" of hers. Along with being an expert at deactivating any type of explosive and even some types of devices, he is also really good at making explosives, and that is one of the things he likes to do the most.

He didn't join the Redacted Line because he wanted to, but because of Ladybird Man. His main intention was to just bring Ladybird back home, but since Glitch wasn't allowing it, he decided to make a deal that, if he won Glitch Droid in a fight, he would take Ladybird Man, but if not, he had to join the Redacted Line and serve them. Sadly, for him, he ended up losing the fight and turning into another member of that crew.

Dynamite is a talkative robot that uses a very informal vocabulary and the constant use of slang in his conversations, and he can also be very loud most of the time, but he knows when it is needed to keep it down. Going to speak of some of his interest, he has a liking for raves and other types of wild parties, since his explosives come to be an interesting attraction to them and even an entertainment (Depending on what type of explosive he is making for those places, but those aren’t really dangerous as the ones he usually does)

He doesn't like Nocturne Man since he tried to attack Ladybird Man a bunch of times whenever Glitch orders him to go after the small insect robot everytime he gets lost. That made him very protective over his sibling and he also gets a bit aggressive whenever near Nocturne, or even whenever he is close to his younger brother.

Owned by Clover Chamberlain