
Full Name: Kustaa Mäkinen (pronounced koos-tah mac-kee-nin, his first name is just a variation of Gustav)

Species: Lapponian Herder Dog (Of Sámi and other general European descent)

Age: ~29 in substory (born in 1982)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (closeted and repressive about it)

Height: 5'9" (6'1" in boots)

Personality: Very blunt and critical, not afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, still has somewhat of a heart at the end of the day though 

Band Role: Plays bass for Gabe's band, but they only know each other through the internet, they're constantly chatting, the time difference doesn't effect them because Gabe is up at all odd hours, is also an understudy for a couple of other local bands when live

Music Taste: Black, death, some thrash metal, but war metal is his favorite, likes some of the noise leaning stuff too, don't let this fool you, he can appreciate some melodic riffs as well 

Besides music, his other main hobbies are rifle shooting and motorbiking 

[A work in progress to make more detailed because my love for him has recently increased]