Charring Lector



1 year, 8 months ago


Islington's maternal Uncle
Disowned so technically not a Lector

Draconic Cariduus
He / It

Pierogi [Worm tail]
His worm is a genuine bastard, if he had teeth he would bite

-His wings were massive when he was a kid compared to his body [very much something he had to grow into] so he used to drape them forward over his body like a cloak

-Refused to change his surname even though he’s disowned
-A lot younger then Victoria, his parents had trouble conceiving, so he’s also not that much older then Islington, Victoria had her son at a rather young age.
-Wanted to be in his nephew’s life more, but his sister wouldn’t allow it, especially not when he was disowned

-Only other ‘true’ Lector to have a worm tail, it comes from the Smiths family line
-Looks more like Islington then Islington’s mum looks like Islington

-Came back into Islington’s life when Islington sent out an invite to any surviving Lector he could find,
-He was fully supportive of his nephew’s business, godhood & family choices
-Since then he was welcomed into Islington’s ‘family’ and has regained his closeness with his nephew
 -Also, Islington being worried for Charring to meet his family as they lost contact while Islington was a young teen [and doesn't know how much Charring follows the family beliefs]
And the man just scoops up his grand-niece and starts rambling back at her at about 1000 words a minute

-He adores his grandniece & grandnephews, though for ease they tend to just refer to them as niece and nephews, and they call him uncle
-Currently trying [and failing] to woo a cute otherworldly celestial figure
Fleur is totally ‘helping’ him woo Seba

Will probs get my fav code added to him: